I'm pretty new to Love2D itself but i'm working just fine with it so far, beside one thing; shaders.
I found a nice list of shaders https://github.com/mindreframer/love2d- ... i0/shaders that says that the shader are changed to work with Love2D, but while they don't return any error for me they don't return anything else too..
Basically whenever i use one of them on any ofmy projects, the screen just turns black.
Could anybody explain me why and how to fix it?
Problems getting shaders to work
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- Prole
- Posts: 4
- Joined: Wed May 06, 2015 11:00 am
Re: Problems getting shaders to work
Could you upload a .love of the game you're trying to use it in, so we could better figure what the issue actually is?
- Prole
- Posts: 4
- Joined: Wed May 06, 2015 11:00 am
Re: Problems getting shaders to work
I don't have a .love with it set up yet (mainly because it wasnt working), but shouldnt it be enough to load the shader with
and then use it with
I never used them before (even tho i understand how they work) and only did a small black/white shader before which worked like a charm when i tried using it like that. But any of those shaders on the link above returns only a black screen for me while it should actually work (i mean, there are even screens of them).
Is .glsl that different from .frag?
Code: Select all
shader = love.graphics.newShader("shaders/shadername.filetype")
Code: Select all
Is .glsl that different from .frag?
Re: Problems getting shaders to work
Well, the game doesn't have to actually work, but just, anything that shows as a whole how you're actually using the shaders.
But, here. I'll take a shot in the dark anyway. The best way to use shaders is to render everything you're drawing to a canvas first, then draw the canvas, so the shader only has to process one thing, and when that one thing is a Texture-based object, it'll have a pretty easy time processing it. It's also good for if you want to use multiple shaders, so you aren't rendering everything multiple times. This is basically what you have to do, if you aren't already:
But, here. I'll take a shot in the dark anyway. The best way to use shaders is to render everything you're drawing to a canvas first, then draw the canvas, so the shader only has to process one thing, and when that one thing is a Texture-based object, it'll have a pretty easy time processing it. It's also good for if you want to use multiple shaders, so you aren't rendering everything multiple times. This is basically what you have to do, if you aren't already:
Code: Select all
function love.load()
canvas = love.graphics.newCanvas()
function love.draw()
drawGame() -- placeholder for your game's drawing logic
- Prole
- Posts: 4
- Joined: Wed May 06, 2015 11:00 am
Re: Problems getting shaders to work
Currently i'm working on this (it's for a project i work on with a team from reddit, but really just the window stuff right now).
The canvas thing broke two things right now i need to fix tho; the scaling and flipping the screen.
Key 1 and 2 change window size and active shader. The thing is (beside the canvas problems) the second shader gives a blank screen.
The canvas thing broke two things right now i need to fix tho; the scaling and flipping the screen.
Key 1 and 2 change window size and active shader. The thing is (beside the canvas problems) the second shader gives a blank screen.
Code: Select all
-- _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______________________ ________________
-- ( ____ ( ___ | | ____ \ ( ____ | ____ | ___ )__ _( ____ ( ____ \__ __/
-- | ( \/ ( ) | () () | ( \/ | ( )| ( )| ( ) | ) ( | ( \/ ( \/ ) (
-- | | | (___) | || || | (__ | (____)| (____)| | | | | | | (__ | | | |
-- | | ____| ___ | |(_)| | __) | _____) __) | | | | | | __) | | | |
-- | | \_ ) ( ) | | | | ( | ( | (\ ( | | | | | | | ( | | | |
-- | (___) | ) ( | ) ( | (____/\ | ) | ) \ \_| (___) |\_) ) | (____/\ (____/\ | |
-- (_______)/ \|/ \(_______/ |/ |/ \__(_______|____/ (_______(_______/ )_(
-- _______ _______ ______ ______ _________________
-- ( ____ | ____ ( __ \( __ \\__ __|__ __/
-- | ( )| ( \/ ( \ ) ( \ ) ) ( ) (
-- | (____)| (__ | | ) | | ) | | | | |
-- | __) __) | | | | | | | | | | |
-- | (\ ( | ( | | ) | | ) | | | | |
-- | ) \ \_| (____/\ (__/ ) (__/ )__) (___ | |
-- |/ \__(_______(______/(______/\_______/ )_(
-- LOVE - Debug Info
debug = true
if debug then
print("Debug Info:")
print("OS: "..love.system.getOS( ))
print("Power Supply: "..love.system.getPowerInfo( ))
print("CPU Count: "..love.system.getProcessorCount( ))
-- LOVE - Game Settings and info
--Game Settings
game = {
groundlevel = 60,
--Possible Resolutions
resolutions = {current = 1, use = false, timermax = 1.0, timercurrent = 0.0, scale = 1.0}
resolutions[1] = {width = 640, height = 360, fullscreen = false}
resolutions[2] = {width = 960, height = 540, fullscreen = false}
resolutions[3] = {width = 1280, height = 720, fullscreen = false}
resolutions[4] = {width = 1600, height = 900, fullscreen = false}
resolutions[5] = {width = 1920, height = 1080, fullscreen = false}
resolutions[6] = {width = 1920, height = 1080, fullscreen = true}
--Shader Settings
shader = {current = 0, use = false, timermax = 1.0, timercurrent = 0.0}
map = {groundlevel = 60, background = nil}
-- LOVE - Load; Load sprites, music, and basic settings
function love.load(arg)
font_pixelsmall = love.graphics.newFont("assets/fonts/slkscr.ttf", 14)
font_pixelsmall:setFilter('nearest', 'nearest', 0)
font_pixellarge = love.graphics.newFont("assets/fonts/slkscre.ttf", 26)
font_pixellarge:setFilter('nearest', 'nearest', 0)
map.background = love.graphics.newImage('assets/backgrounds/test-room.png')
map.background:setFilter('nearest', 'nearest', 0)
shader[1] = love.graphics.newShader("shaders/blackwhite.glsl")
shader[2] = love.graphics.newShader("shaders/scanlines.glsl")
canvas = love.graphics.newCanvas()
-- LOVE - Functions; Custom functions
function playSound(sd)
love.audio.newSource(sd, "static"):play()
function CheckCollision(x1,y1,w1,h1, x2,y2,w2,h2)
return x1 < x2+w2 and
x2 < x1+w1 and
y1 < y2+h2 and
y2 < y1+h1
function round(num, idp)
local mult = 10^(idp or 0)
return math.floor(num * mult + 0.5) / mult
-- LOVE - Update; Update positions, check for collisions, timers, and generating movement
function love.update(dt)
--Select Resolution
resolutions.timercurrent = resolutions.timercurrent - dt
if love.keyboard.isDown('1') then
if resolutions.timercurrent < 0 then
if resolutions.use and resolutions.current < 6 then
resolutions.current = resolutions.current + 1
elseif resolutions.use and resolutions.current > 4 then
resolutions.current = 1
resolutions.use = false
resolutions.use = true
if debug then
print("Screen Mode:"..tostring(resolutions.current))
love.window.setMode(resolutions[resolutions.current].width, resolutions[resolutions.current].height, {fullscreen = resolutions[resolutions.current].fullscreen, vsync=false})
resolutions.scale = love.graphics.getWidth() / 640
resolutions.timercurrent = resolutions.timermax
--Select Shader
shader.timercurrent = shader.timercurrent - dt
if love.keyboard.isDown('2') then
if shader.timercurrent < 0 then
if shader.use and shader.current < 2 then
shader.current = shader.current + 1
elseif shader.use and shader.current > 1 then
shader.current = 0
shader.use = false
shader.use = true
if debug then
print("Shader Mode:"..tostring(shader.current))
shader.timercurrent = shader.timermax
-- LOVE - Draw; Draw and re-draw sprites, UI and background
function love.draw(dt)
--Apply Ratio
love.graphics.scale(resolutions.scale, resolutions.scale)
--Cleanup Canvas
--Background Image
love.graphics.rectangle("fill", 360 - map.groundlevel, 240, 20, 60)
--FPS Display
love.graphics.print(tostring(love.timer.getFPS( )), 620, 00)
--Re-Draw Canvas
if shader.use then
Re: Problems getting shaders to work
That's because, when you draw things to the canvas, then draw the canvas, everything gets scaled twice. Just make sure you're only scaling when drawing the elements to the canvas, and not the canvas itself, and using love.graphics.push/pop() is an easy way to do this. This would be your new love.draw, for example.
And for future reference, you can't just give people your main.lua, because it won't work without the rest of the resources to go along with it. You need to create and upload a .love file instead.
Code: Select all
function love.draw(dt)
--Apply Ratio
love.graphics.scale(resolutions.scale, resolutions.scale)
--Cleanup Canvas
--Background Image
love.graphics.rectangle("fill", 360 - map.groundlevel, 240, 20, 60)
--FPS Display
love.graphics.print(tostring(love.timer.getFPS( )), 620, 00)
--Re-Draw Canvas
if shader.use then
- Prole
- Posts: 4
- Joined: Wed May 06, 2015 11:00 am
Re: Problems getting shaders to work
I do know that the main file isnt able to run alone, was just as a refference on how i used the shader o;
I'v created a love file now with it, but you'll notic ALOT of problems that come with using a canvas
and the shaders (well, nr2 the scanline/crt shader) still wont work.
I'v created a love file now with it, but you'll notic ALOT of problems that come with using a canvas
and the shaders (well, nr2 the scanline/crt shader) still wont work.
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Re: Problems getting shaders to work
You have to set shader extern variables by shader:send() function.
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