0.11.2a Features:
Health bar.
Gun & bomb modifiers, repel stocks, health, shield cooldown reduction
High score (no write to file though).
Dual guns for twice the effectiveness.
1 hit shield, 3 second cooldown.
Volume control
4 BGM tracks.
Window resizing/maximize support.
Clear the stage and remaining pickups come to you!
Clearing the stage is permanent for current playthrough.
Zone mini-map so you can visualize your progress through the 'galaxy'.
- red tiles are boss stages, gold tiles are cleared stages, the green tile is your location.
- hold left-ALT for a larger view.
4 enemy types: enemy1, enemy2, enemy3, boss1
Arrow Keys - up/down: thrust forward, reverse.
Arrow Keys - left/right: rotate left/right.
TAB - Fire Bomb
Spacebar - Fire bullets
Shift+Tab - Repel surrounding enemies & projectiles.
Shift - Afterburner (only affects forward thrust).
z, x - volume up, down.
f - hide the sidebar.
0, 8, 9 - switch camera zoom setting.
left-ALT - (hold) to display large zone map.
Making GIF's is hard work...

Latest UI screenshot (holding l-alt):

New in 0.11.2a:
Code: Select all
-- set maxhealth to a hard 500. health pickups will not give you health beyond that. start at 100/500hp.
-- added enemy3 (work in progress). stationary enemy, though he will move when repelled. locks onto you once in range, but can only deal damage when your shield is down.
-- all enemy bombs do 100 dmg, all enemy bullets do 25 dmg. enemy3 beams do 10 dmg on a random tick.
-- reduced boss1 spawn rate in stages which are not boss stages
-- The largest enemy1 will only split once now.
-- each enemy1 is limited to spawning only 3 enemy2 instances.
-- buffed enemy2's hp
-- reduced number of pickups spawned in the stage as you get further out significantly. enemy drops should be sufficient.
-- Borders are locked until you clear all the enemies in a stage.
-- once you clear all enemies in a stage, when you return to that zone they will still be dead. (walls disappear too).
-- removed scaling from health pickups. it's always just +10health now.
-- adjusted modifiers for bomb & bullets. bomb max damage increased, bullet max damage decreased. bullets nerfed a bit but they were way too strong at even halfway buffed.
-- auto destroy enemy3 once all the other enemies are dead
-- GUI
-- added zone minimap. hold left ALT to display a larger version.