space... polygon - a work in progress

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space... polygon - a work in progress

Post by FruityLark »

Last updated: July 18, 2015 - version 0.11.2a

0.11.2a Features:
Health bar.
Gun & bomb modifiers, repel stocks, health, shield cooldown reduction
High score (no write to file though).
Dual guns for twice the effectiveness.
1 hit shield, 3 second cooldown.
Volume control
4 BGM tracks.
Window resizing/maximize support.
Clear the stage and remaining pickups come to you!
Clearing the stage is permanent for current playthrough.
Zone mini-map so you can visualize your progress through the 'galaxy'.
- red tiles are boss stages, gold tiles are cleared stages, the green tile is your location.
- hold left-ALT for a larger view.
4 enemy types: enemy1, enemy2, enemy3, boss1

Arrow Keys - up/down: thrust forward, reverse.
Arrow Keys - left/right: rotate left/right.
TAB - Fire Bomb
Spacebar - Fire bullets
Shift+Tab - Repel surrounding enemies & projectiles.
Shift - Afterburner (only affects forward thrust).

z, x - volume up, down.
f - hide the sidebar.
0, 8, 9 - switch camera zoom setting.
left-ALT - (hold) to display large zone map.

Making GIF's is hard work...

Latest UI screenshot (holding l-alt):


New in 0.11.2a:

Code: Select all

-- set maxhealth to a hard 500. health pickups will not give you health beyond that. start at 100/500hp. 

-- added enemy3 (work in progress). stationary enemy, though he will move when repelled. locks onto you once in range, but can only deal damage when your shield is down.
-- all enemy bombs do 100 dmg, all enemy bullets do 25 dmg. enemy3 beams do 10 dmg on a random tick.
-- reduced boss1 spawn rate in stages which are not boss stages
-- The largest enemy1 will only split once now.
-- each enemy1 is limited to spawning only 3 enemy2 instances.
-- buffed enemy2's hp

-- reduced number of pickups spawned in the stage as you get further out significantly. enemy drops should be sufficient.
-- Borders are locked until you clear all the enemies in a stage.
-- once you clear all enemies in a stage, when you return to that zone they will still be dead. (walls disappear too).
-- removed scaling from health pickups. it's always just +10health now.
-- adjusted modifiers for bomb & bullets. bomb max damage increased, bullet max damage decreased. bullets nerfed a bit but they were way too strong at even halfway buffed.
-- auto destroy enemy3 once all the other enemies are dead

-- GUI
-- added zone minimap. hold left ALT to display a larger version.
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Last edited by FruityLark on Sat Jul 18, 2015 10:05 pm, edited 12 times in total.
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Re: space... polygon - a work in progress

Post by N88 »

It looks interesting for a simple game, definitely challenging, at least for me (though I usually stay away from precision based games). I like the sounds you used, the noise and thrusters feel really space-y.

Some issues I noticed:
- the ship sometimes spawns inside a wall
- bullets can sometimes tunnel through the map edge
- enemy bullets are sometimes hard to spot
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Re: space... polygon - a work in progress

Post by FruityLark »

Thanks for checking it out! Those are all good points you mentioned, they're on the list for squashing.
Yea it's precision based, but it's important not to overlook maneuvering as well. Surviving is more effective than killing everything. Proper use of momentum & thrusters, walls for cover & bank shots all help. If anyone has done any duels in Continuum/Subspace, that was the feel I wanted.

I want to add a bunch of things still; *controller support, powerups like shield, weapon boosters, afterburner, new enemies, fancy shaders etc.
I am hoping my current framework can support them.
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Re: space... polygon - a work in progress

Post by FruityLark »

Updated with new version, changes are listed in first post. I feel like I'm going to run out of space, so i think i'll just remove older change notes in future releases.

Is it OK to bump with a new version? At most it will be weekly until i write myself into a corner :nyu:
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Re: space... polygon - a work in progress

Post by bobbyjones »

Yeah it's fine.
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Re: space... polygon - a work in progress

Post by FruityLark »

Updated first post with version 0.9a. Please check it out :)

I would also like to ask anyone who tries the game, to report whether they have an issue with holding LEFT+FORWARD+SPACEBAR. A friend of mine has this issue on an older laptop, and I believe it is a hardware issue with the keyboard.

Thanks for looking!

edit: Quick hotfix to 0.92a.
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Re: space... polygon - a work in progress

Post by qubodup »

Nice and much more interesting than asteroids. I love the plane strap sound as "next level ready" notification :)
lg.newImage("cat.png") -- made possible by lg =
-- Don't force fullscreen (it frustrates those who want to try your game real quick) -- Develop for 1280x720 (so people can make HD videos)
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Re: space... polygon - a work in progress

Post by Germanunkol »


With the newest version, I get an error message: attempt to call fiald 'loadGamepadMappings' (a nil value).
Is it packed correctly?
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Re: space... polygon - a work in progress

Post by FruityLark »

Do you have love 0.9.2 installed? ... adMappings

For this build I have disabled gamepad support to prevent a visual/sound bug it creates, but the mapping call is still present unfortunately.
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Re: space... polygon - a work in progress

Post by FruityLark »

qubodup wrote:Nice and much more interesting than asteroids. I love the plane strap sound as "next level ready" notification :)
Hey, I'm glad you liked it and thanks for the video!
You had a good first run, especially since you didn't use your bombs or repels :)
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