My enemies keep moving right.

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My enemies keep moving right.

Post by Wrathguy78 »

Hello, I am wrathguy78 and I am making a game where you have to shoot enemies to win! I made the AI so the enemies follow the player but they are only heading right. This is the code:

Code: Select all

function enemy.AI(dt)
	for i,v in ipairs(enemy) do
		if player.x + player.width / 2 < v.x / 2 then
		if v.xvel > -enemy.speed then
				v.xvel = v.xvel - enemy.speed * dt
	if player.x + player.width / 2 > v.y / 2 then
		if	v.xvel < enemy.speed then
				v.xvel = v.xvel + enemy.speed * dt
If you could help that would be awesome!

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Re: My enemies keep moving right.

Post by DeltaF1 »

It looks like you've put some if statements in the wrong places. Could you upload a .love file so the context is clear?
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Re: My enemies keep moving right.

Post by 0x72 »


1) There is probably no reason to divide enemy x and y by 2 when comparing it with centre position of the player (if there is the there is the issue :))

2) you compare x and y but then only update xvel of the enemy, not sure if enemy is list of enemies (suggested by the loop) or single one (suggested by the second part), I encourage you to name tables plural so it's easier to read.
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Re: My enemies keep moving right.

Post by Wrathguy78 »

DeltaF1 wrote:It looks like you've put some if statements in the wrong places. Could you upload a .love file so the context is clear?
Nvm, it's fixed
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Re: My enemies keep moving right.

Post by Wrathguy78 »

0x72 wrote:Hi!

1) There is probably no reason to divide enemy x and y by 2 when comparing it with centre position of the player (if there is the there is the issue :))

2) you compare x and y but then only update xvel of the enemy, not sure if enemy is list of enemies (suggested by the loop) or single one (suggested by the second part), I encourage you to name tables plural so it's easier to read.
1 was the issue thanks! xD Idk why either. I changed file sprites so that could have been the problem
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