require "enet"
require "love.timer"
require "love.filesystem"
local tank = require "tank" -- it works
This is highly non-intuitive, and it is nowhere in documentation.
Either include love.filesystem by default in love threads or put some BIG RED LETTERS in thread doc.
When a Thread is started, it only loads the love.thread module. Every other module has to be loaded with require.
Though perhaps non-intuitive. It's also been changed for the next version.
cohadar wrote:
This is highly non-intuitive, and it is nowhere in documentation.
Either include love.filesystem by default in love threads or put some BIG RED LETTERS in thread doc.
Then isn't it wonderful that having a forum account not only allows you to complain on the forums, but also to edit the wiki?
What I don't understand is why user require paths in threads don't work if love.filesystem is not included.
I "see" how it can be related, but still, it is extremely non-intuitive.