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Re: Prospora

Post by sarako »

CaptainMaelstrom - Ooh, excellent ideas! I'd like to implement multiplayer at some point, but I haven't made a networked game before, and I'm a little intimidated by the overhead. I think I want to get the single player experience to a really polished level before embarking on that mission. If anyone wants to help me get that working, though, I do have some ideas.

SouL - That looks like a very tricky bug to catch, but I'll do my best. I've seen something like it off and on, but never consistently enough to figure out what's going on. I suspect it's somehow getting itself ignored by the 'checking for enemies' function.
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Re: Prospora

Post by CaptainMaelstrom »

Retrofitting an already developed game to do network play is difficult. But maybe since the scope of the game is relatively small, it can be done. I have some experience--at least--I know which questions you/we should start asking. For instance, what server-client architecture should you pick? And perhaps the thing I'm most curious about, how do you handle time speed with multiple players? Perhaps an average of the two slides, or lock the speed to the slowest player's speed?

sarako, I think you have said that you're pretty much done with this game, having worked on it on and off for 2 years now. That's understandable. If you commit to developing more of the game though, and are interested in help, consider PMing me. I'd love to help or even just chat about the game.
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Re: Prospora

Post by sarako »

Version 2.0 of Prospora is out now! and
Prospora Screenshot 1.png
Prospora Screenshot 1.png (187.05 KiB) Viewed 1893 times
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