Long story short, I need to include (require) a file in a thread. Whenever I try this, the thread throws an error saying it can't find the file, even though it is required in the exact same way in other files (that run in the main thread).
Below is a very bare-bones example you can use to recreate the problem. (This example is also attached as a .love file.)
Code: Select all
require "something" -- This works fine.
function love.load()
thread = love.thread.newThread("thread.lua")
function love.threaderror(thread, err)
error("Thread error!\n" .. err)
Code: Select all
require "something" -- This throws a "Module 'something' not found" error.
Can be empty, as long as the file actually exists.
Is this known behavior? Am I overlooking something? Is there anything I can do to fix this?
Thanks for your help!