Hey community, this is a call to action. For what you may say? For more contributions to some of the major Löve projects and Löve itself. Löve is all about the community. Did yall know love has a blog (http://blogs.love2d.org) or an IRC channel (#love@irc.oftc.net)? Besides the forums this community is pretty dead. There are plenty of things people can do to make new Lövers have a better experience. Here is a list of things I think can be done to make the community better.
1. Write tutorials. We can always use more tutorials. Especially if you have the know how or the experience. I personally still need a tutorial from time to time and usually I can't find one for Löve or even lua for what i want to do. The wiki has a whole section for tutorials (https://www.love2d.org/wiki/Category:Tutorials) and the blogs accepts tutorials as well, but as you see the tutorial section on the wiki is pretty sparse and some are outdated. Lets fix that!
2. Make more libraries and open source code. Yeah I know we already have a lot of libraries and code to look at but more couldn't hurt right?
3. Contribute to the projects we already have. There is a lot of cool projects going on, but sadly a lot of them never get a commit from anyone other than themselves. Even much requested projects like a new port hardly get any contributions and usually are left to die do to no community activity. Example Projects to contribute to:
1. Vapor - Vapor2 is currently in the works so go over to the github and get your voice heard or help code it. http://vapor.love2d.org - https://github.com/josefnpat/vapor - #vapor-dev@irc.oftc.net
2. DOMy - DOMy is another GUI lib for love but it sets out to do it in a html like way. https://github.com/excessive/DOMy
3. Love Game Maker - LGM is a tool meant to teach people new to the game and programming scene, also as a tool to help shorten game development time. P.S its goal isn't to replace programming https://github.com/Radfordhound/love2d-game-maker - https://github.com/Radfordhound/Project-Unique
4. Punchdrunk - Punchdrunk is a port of Love to the web. I know cool right? Well the problem is it hasn't moved forward in about 8 months and its fairly incomplete. I think someone with the know how should fork it and continue its development. https://github.com/TannerRogalsky/punchdrunk
5. Love - Love itself only has one or two active developers. If you have the know how you should try to help out. I'm certain slime has a large list of things he wants for 0.10.0. Y'all should help him. https://bitbucket.org/rude/love
4. Share Experiences - You just released your first game? Got on steam? or Broke up with your girlfriend? Then post about it here or on the blogs and share it with the rest of us. We would like to here all about it. Well, maybe not about you breaking up with your girlfriend. Post about how stressful it was to make the game and release it on time or anything else. A lot of us younger people look up to the more older and experienced devs and would love to here how it is to do what y'all do.
5. Be Active - If someone makes a love jam then you better participate and finish. If someone ask for feed back everyone better give him feedback. He should come back to ten pages. Start up polls or threads about random and general things. Maybe make a couple community projects?
6. Show it off - Show love and your games off to your friends bring new users back and help the community grow.
The End. Thanks, for your time.
P.S I'm working on turning myself around as well. I'm starting to contribute.
Contribution on the love2d-book would also be much appreciated. It has basically been on hold due to me having other projects and my university application to take care of. The structure could and should be overthrown IMO.
The infrastructure is all there, we have HTML and PDF targets and support syntax highlighting and livecode examples (using punchdrunk and a hacked-together slightly modified moonshine version)
Bindie wrote:There should be a library page on the wiki, I think.
There is: https://www.love2d.org/wiki/Category:Libraries. But it could be curated and put into different categories, e.g. all GUI libraries, graphics, utilities, networking, frameworks for specific game types. Maybe move some libraries that only work with older versions to a separate page.
@Tesselode Yeah Vapor is cool and if you have any opinions on how it should be designed then you should go to the github page and discuss it with josefnpat and the current "team".
fysx wrote:
Bindie wrote:There should be a library page on the wiki, I think.
There is: https://www.love2d.org/wiki/Category:Libraries. But it could be curated and put into different categories, e.g. all GUI libraries, graphics, utilities, networking, frameworks for specific game types. Maybe move some libraries that only work with older versions to a separate page.
And yeah the libraries page could use some work. Maybe we can have a community library that is like a literal library. maybe library.love2d.org ? And users can go on there add libraries into categories and we can have librarians maintain it. lol. Just a thought.
S0lll0s wrote:Contribution on the love2d-book would also be much appreciated. It has basically been on hold due to me having other projects and my university application to take care of. The structure could and should be overthrown IMO.
The infrastructure is all there, we have HTML and PDF targets and support syntax highlighting and livecode examples (using punchdrunk and a hacked-together slightly modified moonshine version)
I've never seen this. Is it like a website where can I view it?
I moved from being active to a lurker, as my job had me writing a lot of Javascript/Typescript code and Lua is too close of a language that it was causing cognitive dissonance. I've been meaning to be slightly active again and now's a good of a time as any to say "I'm still here." I might soon write up a bit of an advanced idea I've been mulling over lately.
More projects/guides always help out newer members, so long as they are well put together, which is always important.
That's great! Your guide to Vim helped me out quite a bit when switching.
GitHub | MLib - Math and shape intersections library | Walt - Animation library | Brady - Camera library with parallax scrolling | Vim-love-docs - Help files and syntax coloring for Vim
davisdude wrote:
More projects/guides always help out newer members, so long as they are well put together, which is always important.
I encourage everyone to write a small guide on a simple, often-used and common game design/programming pattern for love2D-books "Cookbook" section. Things like parallax backgrounds, efficient tiling, motion blur, etc.
Even if it's not perfect (or your english isn't), the advantage of having this as an open-source project is that that doesn't really matter as much; we can peer-review and improve everything until we feel the whole book is good enough to direct people too.