Forest Tale
The Idea
Forest Tale is a game I've been trying to make for little over 4 years now in many different variations.
I had the initial idea playing World of Warcraft: I wanted a game that was an MMORPG, but that revolved around player interaction rather than PVE. This developed overtime and became "Forest Tale": an RPG with a completely blank slate, the idea being that players populate and fill the world by building and scripting NPC's.
At the time I didn't have the technical know-how to make such a game. Really, I still don't, but in its 4th client variation in 3 years Forest Tale is now slowly becoming a reality for me. A few things I decided to change: 1, it isn't really meant to be an MMORPG anymore and instead a small multiplayer RPG that, say, a group of friends could put a server up for and have fun playing on. The server doesn't have a player cap and so technically could run as an MMO, but that is no longer the primary intention. Another thing is that the game world isn't entirely to be dictated by the player: while I still intend on adding in scripted NPCs, the environment etc all works itself without necessary player interaction and, when added shortly, mobs won't require the player to be present in order to do stuff (like expand or fight with other tribes of mobs).
Current Features
You can harvest resources, build, farm and go fishing! It's also all built to be networked, so that's cool.
+ Addition
- Removal
* Fix or alteration
? Fictitious
+ Added chicken
> Drops roast chicken
> Lays eggs that sometimes hatch into other chickens
> Only 1 will spawn when the world starts, assuming that chickens will reproduce naturally
? Reduced the cost of the bargain bucket by 50p
+ Added Demon
> Drops Blade of Heroes
> Spawned by using life essence on a tile
+ Added Plantkin
> Drops tea seeds
> Semi-rare
+ Aspects can now have time limits
+ New consumable: Tea
> Costs 1x tea leaf and 1x vial of water
> Grants +3 strength for 5 minutes
+ New item: Tea Seeds
> Can be planted to grow Tea Leaves
> Dropped by Plantkin
+ New item: Tea Leaf
> Grown from planing Tea Seeds
+ New item: Vial
> Container, can be filled with water
> Costs nothing to create
> Found under "Reagents"
+ The crafting menu is now seperated into categories for each item
> You can press "All Items" to view all available items
> Right clicking will return you to the categories menu
+ Crafting changes
> Nails: 8 are now created (up from 4)
> Wooden Floorboard and Wooden Wall now cost 1 nail (down from 2)
> Short Sword now costs 6 metal (down from 10)
> Longsword now costs 15 metal (down from 25)
+ You can now drop 1 item at a time by pressing X, or dropping all of that item by holding down shift and pressing X
+ You can now pickup 1 item at a time by pressing Z, or picking up all of that item on the ground by holding down shift and pressing Z
+ New image for webs
+ New theme music, "People"
+ The tile that a mob is standing on will now flash red if you hit it with a weapon
+ Chat messages can now be longer than 40 characters and wil go onto the next line when sent (lines are max 50 characters, messages are max 140 characters)
+ Strength now affects your attack and how many resources you gather
+ Switching between items now displays the name of the item above chat
* Health now regenerates at a rate of +1/second (previously +3/second)
* Picking up items now takes half a second (down from 3 seconds)
* Chance of gathering metal when hitting a rock is now 33% (up from 20%)
* Short Sword, Longsword and Blade of Poison are now correctly labelled as being weapons, not tools
* Corrected Blade of Poison to require 1x Longsword to create (was incorrectly 3)
* Snakes now have a 50% chance of dropping venom (up from 25%)
* Aspects now display correctly
- Running no longer causes an increase in hunger
+ The server can now relatively modify the "value" field of an entity using the operator "ev"
+ The server now sends out adverts at random
* Mobs will now lose aggro with a player who is dead
+ Mobs now spawn dynamically, with a maximum number for each (previously they were spawned when the world was created and when died were replaced by replicas)
* There are now 4 Restless Spirit's in the world instead of 1
* Fire Elementals now have 100hp (up from 50hp) and have a slightly altered aggro script
* Restless Spirit now moves slower (2 tiles per second rather than 4)
* Snow and rain now stop a lot faster (no more 24 hour long blizzards)

Windows launcher (updates etc): http://freshplay.co.uk/forest/Forest%20 ... uncher.exe
LOVE file: http://freshplay.co.uk/forest/game.love
Other stuff
Current version is 0.3.1
Updates are first posted onto the Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Forest-T ... 5915612206
Please give me feedback and stuff. It's an alpha game right now and reflects that pretty strongly.