How do you make 2 controllable players and solid objects?

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How do you make 2 controllable players and solid objects?

Post by Michael_Baucum »

Hello everyone! My name is Michael and I am beginning my journey into making games :D. I am very new to the whole coding process and execution so I'm a "newbie/simpleton" as of right now. Ok so enough with the intro here's why I am posting this to forums: I am trying to make a game, but i am having issues. So I am a person to make my life easier so i "stole" another persons character/player code, but i understand it for the most part so win win. I want to make a game where there's 2 controllable players. One by arrow keys as shown in the code below and another character controlled by WASD keys. This code is currently all i have by the way and it's in my "main.lua" file . So would i make a separate file for each character or would everything be in the main.lua folder? Go ahead and c&p the code and test it out and see if you can add a border to it because that's my next problem. I have made a game, well, i upgraded a game where theres 2 circles (one controllable by wasd and other is by arrow keys) and i made a border and everything and the circles can collide, well i used the same method where i made that border and tried to put it in this new project and it made my character blue and the rectangle i used as the border was not solid meaning my character was able to go through it....or is my character not solid? That's the kind of problem i'm having with being a newbie and not 100% understanding everything. Ill have the codes below;both my new project and my old one i made with the circles just to look off of something. Now thats all i need help with as of right now so thank you guys for reading and if you need me to describe my problems more let me know and i would gladly explain them more.....and for those who answer please try your best to provide an in depth answer <3 here are the codes:

New project that i'm currently making and need help on:

Code: Select all

function love.load()
    sprites ="Textures/sprites.png")
    sprites:setFilter("nearest", "linear")

    screenWidth =
    screenHeight =
    speed = 100
    x = 50
    y = 50
    link =, 96, 23, 31, sprites:getWidth(), sprites:getHeight())
    linkBack1 =, 96, 23, 31, sprites:getWidth(), sprites:getHeight())
    linkBack0 =, 96, 23, 32, sprites:getWidth(), sprites:getHeight())
    linkBack2 =, 97, 23, 31, sprites:getWidth(), sprites:getHeight())

    linkRSide0 =, 65, 25, 31, sprites:getWidth(), sprites:getHeight())
    linkRSide1 =, 64, 23, 33, sprites:getWidth(), sprites:getHeight())
    linkRSide2 =, 65, 23, 31, sprites:getWidth(), sprites:getHeight())

    linkLSide0 =, 33, 23, 31, sprites:getWidth(), sprites:getHeight())
    linkLSide1 =, 32, 24, 32, sprites:getWidth(), sprites:getHeight())
    linkLSide2 =, 33, 25, 31, sprites:getWidth(), sprites:getHeight())

    linkFront0 =, 1, 27, 32, sprites:getWidth(), sprites:getHeight())
    linkFront1 =, 0, 27, 32, sprites:getWidth(), sprites:getHeight())
    linkFront2 =, 2, 70, 27, sprites:getWidth(), sprites:getHeight())
function love.update(dt)
   if love.keyboard.isDown("right") then
      x = x + (speed * dt)
      link = linkRSide1
   elseif love.keyboard.isDown("left") then
      x = x - (speed * dt)
      link = linkLSide1
   if love.keyboard.isDown("down") then
      y = y + (speed * dt)
      link = linkFront1
   elseif love.keyboard.isDown("up") then
      link = linkBack1
      y = y - (speed * dt)
function love.draw(), link, x, y, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0)
    --, linkBack0, x, y, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0)
    --, linkBack1, x+50, y, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0)
    --, linkBack2, x+100, y, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0)
    --, linkRSide0, x+150, y, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0)
    --, linkRSide1, x+200, y, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0)
    --, linkRSide2, x+250, y, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0)
and thats that now on to the next one>>>>>>

Old project to look off of

Code: Select all

function love.load()
  love.physics.setMeter(64) --the height of a meter our worlds will be 64px
  world = love.physics.newWorld(0, 0 * 64, true) --gravity is being set to 0 in the x direction and 200 in the y direction <3

  objects = {} -- table to hold all our physical objects
  -- Ground/Borders
	objects.roof = {}
  objects.roof.body = love.physics.newBody(world, 0, 0) 
  objects.roof.shape = love.physics.newRectangleShape(1600, 25) --make a rectangle with a width of 1600 and a height of 25
  objects.roof.fixture = love.physics.newFixture(objects.roof.body, objects.roof.shape); --attach shape to body
   objects.wallL = {}
  objects.wallL.body = love.physics.newBody(world, 1, 0) 
  objects.wallL.shape = love.physics.newRectangleShape(2, 1200) --make a rectangle with a width of 2 and a height of 1200
  objects.wallL.fixture = love.physics.newFixture(objects.wallL.body, objects.wallL.shape); --attach shape to body
	objects.wallR = {}
   objects.wallR.body = love.physics.newBody(world, 800, 0) 
  objects.wallR.shape = love.physics.newRectangleShape(2, 1200) --make a rectangle with a width of 1000 and a height of 25
  objects.wallR.fixture = love.physics.newFixture(objects.wallR.body, objects.wallR.shape); --attach shape to body
	objects.floor = {}
  objects.floor.body = love.physics.newBody(world, 0, 600) 
  objects.floor.shape = love.physics.newRectangleShape(1600, 25) --make a rectangle with a width of 1000 and a height of 25
  objects.floor.fixture = love.physics.newFixture(objects.floor.body, objects.floor.shape); --attach shape to body
  objects.ball = {}
  objects.ball.body = love.physics.newBody(world, 950/2, 600/2, "dynamic") --place the body in the center of the world and make it dynamic, so it can move around
  objects.ball.shape = love.physics.newCircleShape(20) --the ball's shape has a radius of 40
  objects.ball.fixture = love.physics.newFixture(objects.ball.body, objects.ball.shape, 1) -- Attach fixture to body and give it a density of 1.
  objects.ball.fixture:setRestitution(0.6) --let the ball bounce
    --circle = {} = love.physics.newBody(world, 550/2, 600/2, "dynamic") --place the body in the center of the world and make it dynamic, so it can move around = love.physics.newCircleShape(20) --the ball's shape has a radius of 40 = love.physics.newFixture(,, 1) -- Attach fixture to body and give it a density of 1. --let the ball bounce, 62, 62) --set the background color to grey
  love.window.setMode(800, 600) --set the window dimensions to 800 (Width) by 650(Height)

function love.update(dt)
  world:update(dt) --this puts the world into motion

  --here we are going to create some keyboard events
  if love.keyboard.isDown("right") then --press the right arrow key to push the ball to the right
    objects.ball.body:applyForce(600, 0)
  elseif love.keyboard.isDown("left") then --press the left arrow key to push the ball to the left
    objects.ball.body:applyForce(-600, 0)
   elseif love.keyboard.isDown("up") then --press the up arrow key to push the ball up
    objects.ball.body:applyForce(0, -1000)
	 elseif love.keyboard.isDown("down") then --press the down arrow key to push the ball down
    objects.ball.body:applyForce(0, 900)
   elseif love.keyboard.isDown("r") then --press the "r" key to set the ball in the air
    objects.ball.body:setPosition(950/2, 750/2)
    objects.ball.body:setLinearVelocity(0, 0) --we must set the velocity to zero to prevent a potentially large velocity generated by the change in position
  if love.keyboard.isDown("d") then --press the d key to push the ball to the right, 0)
  elseif love.keyboard.isDown("a") then --press the a key to push the ball to the left, 0)
   elseif love.keyboard.isDown("w") then --press the w arrow key to push the ball up, -1000)
	 elseif love.keyboard.isDown("s") then --press the s key to push the ball down, 900)
   elseif love.keyboard.isDown("r") then --press the "r" key to set the ball in the air, 750/2), 0) --we must set the velocity to zero to prevent a potentially large velocity generated by the change in position
  score = 0

function love.draw(), 35, 35) -- set the drawing color to dark-grey for the roof"fill", objects.roof.body:getWorldPoints(objects.roof.shape:getPoints()))  -- draw a "filled in" polygon using the ground's coordinates, 0, 0) --set the drawing color to Red for the ball"fill", objects.ball.body:getX(), objects.ball.body:getY(), objects.ball.shape:getRadius()), 35, 35) -- set the drawing color to dark-grey for the wall"fill", objects.wallR.body:getWorldPoints(objects.wallR.shape:getPoints())), 35, 35) -- set the drawing color to dark-grey for the wall"fill", objects.wallL.body:getWorldPoints(objects.wallL.shape:getPoints())), 35, 35) -- set the drawing color to dark-grey for the floor"fill", objects.floor.body:getWorldPoints(objects.floor.shape:getPoints())), 0, 160) --set the drawing color to blue for the circle"fill",,, 25, 25, 25, 255 )"Score: " .. score, 16, 16, 0, 1, 1)

function addScore(n)
	score = score + tonumber(n)
and that's that now finally just so theres no extra confusion here is my configure file>>>

Configure file (conf.lua)

Code: Select all

function love.conf(t)
t.modules.joystick = true     -- Enable the joystick module (boolean) = true        -- Enable the audio module (boolean)
t.modules.keyboard = true     -- Enable the keyboard module (boolean)
t.modules.event = true        -- Enable the event module (boolean)
t.modules.image = true        -- Enable the image module (boolean) = true     -- Enable the graphics module (boolean)
t.modules.timer = true        -- Enable the timer module (boolean)
t.modules.mouse = true        -- Enable the mouse module (boolean)
t.modules.sound = true        -- Enable the sound module (boolean)
t.modules.thread = true       
t.modules.physics = true      -- Enable the physics module (boolean)
t.console = true              -- Attach a console (boolean, Windows only)
t.title = "Project"           -- The title of the window the game is in (string) = "Michael"             -- The author of the game (string)
t.window.fullscreen = false   -- Enable fullscreen (boolean)
t.window.vsync = false        -- Enable vertical sync (boolean)
t.window.fsaa = 0             -- The number of FSAA-buffers (number)
t.window.height = 600         -- The window height (number)
t.window.width = 800          -- The window width (number)

So again to make it clearly stated as possible: I am trying to make a 2 controllable players that are SOLID meaning they can't go through other solids and can't go through each other......also I am trying to make a border using the same method as shown in my second code i posted which is my old project........I tried using that method, but like i said it placed the shape with the exact coordinates and color, but my character was well above it and for some reason turned a blue highlighted color and was able to go THROUGH the object I created ;(.

Do I have to implement a physics system? If so how? I just want to make 2 controllable objects that collide with each other and can't go outside the window and then I'll get more complicated from there. Thank you for reading and I look forward to your responses!
The .love
(182.18 KiB) Downloaded 63 times
The picture
The picture
sprites.png (69.94 KiB) Viewed 2614 times
Last edited by Michael_Baucum on Mon Apr 06, 2015 10:33 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: I need help putting my game together......

Post by rmcode »

Welcome to the forums! ^^

People will be much more likely to help you if you provide a .love file of your project, because it is much easier than having to copy and paste the code you posted and try to put it together by ourselves.

I am very new to the whole coding process and execution so I'm a "newbie/simpleton" as of right now. I am teaching myself to do this at age 14 with little to no help so applaude that much
I think that's how most of the people here started :P
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Re: I need help putting my game together......

Post by s-ol »

Also please use code tags:

Code: Select all

[code]<your code>
<more code>

so it's more readable. /blog  - /st8.lua  - /gtglg /curcur

Code: Select all

print( type(love) )
if false then
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Re: I need help putting my game together......

Post by micha »

Hi and welcome to the community!

If I understand correctly, then the top code in your post is your current project. In this code you are not using love.physics. The second code you posted is a different project and you are trying to learn from it. It uses love.physics. This is one way for dealing with collision detection. Read more here: love.physics

Besides that you can also use one of the collision detection libraries that were made by the community. For example, see here: bump.

If you need more specific help, please go ahead and ask.

Also, in the future, you can increase you chance of getting answers by (1) uploading a .love-file of your current project and (2) choosing a descriptive name for the thread (for example "Collision detection for 2 players" instead of "I need help putting my game together"). That way, people don't have to read so much until they understand what the thread is about.
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