1920x1080 is my native resolution. And I only noticed the issue because Fraps has been repeatedly recording at that resolution instead of 1920x1080, so I know the window is actually using that resolution.
Here's a code sample to show you what I am doing:
Code: Select all
function love.load()
window_height_conf = love.window.getHeight()
window_width_conf = love.window.getWidth()
love.window.setMode(1920, 1080, SetMode())
window_height_setmode = love.window.getHeight()
window_width_setmode = love.window.getWidth()
font_24 = love.graphics.newFont(24)
function love.draw(dt)
local text = "Conf: (" .. window_width_conf .. ", " .. window_height_conf .. ")"
love.graphics.printf(text, window_width_setmode - ((love.graphics.getFont():getWidth(text) + 10)), 10, 1000, "left", 0, 1, 1)
text = "SetMode: (" .. window_width_setmode .. ", " .. window_height_setmode .. ")"
love.graphics.printf(text, window_width_setmode - ((love.graphics.getFont():getWidth(text) + 10)), 15 + love.graphics.getFont():getHeight(text), 1000, "left", 0, 1, 1)
function SetMode()
local r = {}
r.fullscreen = true
r.fullscreentype = "desktop"
r.vsync = true
r.fsaa = 2
r.resizable = false
r.borderless = false
r.centered = true
r.display = 1
r.minwidth = 1
r.minheight = 1
r.highdpi = false
r.srgb = false
r.x = nil
r.y = nil
return r
Someone please help me with this. If I can't get Love to run at the proper resolution I'm going to have to stop using it, and I don't want to do that.
EDIT: If I switch the fullscreen mode to "normal" it sets the resolution to 1600x900. It seems to have a mind of its own.