Löve Frames - A GUI Library

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Re: Löve Frames - A GUI Library

Post by Ford_Prefect »

What exactly happens to a frame when it's close button is pressed? Is it possible to create "closed" frames? What does an object being "modal" mean?
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Re: Löve Frames - A GUI Library

Post by Ensayia »

Ford_Prefect wrote:What exactly happens to a frame when it's close button is pressed? Is it possible to create "closed" frames? What does an object being "modal" mean?
The :Remove() method is called on the object (and its children) destroying them.
If you want a frame to be invisible, yet still processing, there is a value you can set for processing while invisible, then just :SetVisible(false) it.
Setting modal darkens the background behind the frame, and makes everything below it unclickable. Do note, in my experience Modal does not work properly if the frame is parented to any other object.
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Re: Löve Frames - A GUI Library

Post by Ford_Prefect »

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Re: Löve Frames - A GUI Library

Post by lost_RD »


Your website now seems to have completely changed and I can not find the demo or documentation.

Can you please provide a link?
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Re: Löve Frames - A GUI Library

Post by Lapin »

Yep, same problem, you still can get it using Google Cache or we need to find this file :

http://archive.nikolairesokav.com/love/ ... uments.zip

(which has been deleted)

EDIT : Just sent him a mail, wait and see, i'll tell you if i get an answer.


Here ya go
Last edited by Lapin on Thu Mar 26, 2015 10:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Löve Frames - A GUI Library

Post by Nikolai Resokav »

The documentation was move to github: https://github.com/KennyShields/LoveFrames/wiki. I have updated the link in the original post.
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Re: Löve Frames - A GUI Library

Post by soulmata »


I am greatly enjoying this library. It has saved me a lot of time.

I believe I have encountered a bug or perhaps I'm not using it correctly.

I have found that the SetAutoScroll method for a ColumnList does nothing. Looking at the code, it appears that the GetScrollBar method is returning nothing, so the feature is not actually doing anything. Specifically, in this:

Code: Select all

function newobject:SetAutoScroll(bool)

        local internals = self.internals
        local list = internals[1]
        local scrollbar = list:GetScrollBar()

        self.autoscroll = bool

        if list then
                if scrollbar then
                        scrollbar.autoscroll = bool

        return self

local scrollbar = list:GetScrollBar() is returning false.

I think I'm setting it up appropriately. It's rendering and I can add/remove entries from the list correct, as well as scroll through them, with the existing scrollbar, only the AutoScroll feature seems to not work.
Endless Dark: An existential horror game written in LOVE in which you are tasked with keeping a sleeper colony ship intact.
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Re: Löve Frames - A GUI Library

Post by liyonglove2d »

I've been using it for quite a long time, and have to say that it's really not good for my game.
Anyway, nice work, and I appreciate the job so much. I cannot do that by myself.
Last edited by liyonglove2d on Thu Apr 02, 2015 3:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Nikolai Resokav
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Re: Löve Frames - A GUI Library

Post by Nikolai Resokav »

soulmata wrote:Hello,

I am greatly enjoying this library. It has saved me a lot of time.

I believe I have encountered a bug or perhaps I'm not using it correctly.

I have found that the SetAutoScroll method for a ColumnList does nothing. Looking at the code, it appears that the GetScrollBar method is returning nothing, so the feature is not actually doing anything. Specifically, in this:

Code: Select all

function newobject:SetAutoScroll(bool)

        local internals = self.internals
        local list = internals[1]
        local scrollbar = list:GetScrollBar()

        self.autoscroll = bool

        if list then
                if scrollbar then
                        scrollbar.autoscroll = bool

        return self

local scrollbar = list:GetScrollBar() is returning false.

I think I'm setting it up appropriately. It's rendering and I can add/remove entries from the list correct, as well as scroll through them, with the existing scrollbar, only the AutoScroll feature seems to not work.
Just pushed a fix for this issue. Thanks for the report.
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Re: Löve Frames - A GUI Library

Post by schmirsich »

Your website and subsequently the documentation seems to be offline. I presume you are still continuing the project?
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