LDR- Long Distance Relationship (or LDRR- Long Distance Romantic Relationship)
GitHub | MLib - Math and shape intersections library | Walt - Animation library | Brady - Camera library with parallax scrolling | Vim-love-docs - Help files and syntax coloring for Vim
No reason to not rename old libs though. We'd want Löve to be how kids learn to code in school.
More network library names:
talk - Together Auxiliary Library Kommunikator
group - GROUP Reach Other User Ports
many - Multi Agent extensioN toY
greet - GREET Remote Earth Entity Tool
parp - Play Amidst Remote People
random ideas:
salt - Sprite Animation Library Tool or Sprite Animation Love Tool
anym or anymate - animation library for any purpose
sweet - Security With Encrypted Executables Tool
most - Mixer Of Sounds Tool
ring - remote input networking gadget
input lib:
pad - press arbitrary device
gui lib:
lab - Look At Buttons / Look And Buttons
fab - FAbulous Buttons
cutie - Creative User Tool Interface Experience...
lg.newImage("cat.png") -- made possible by lg = love.graphics
-- Don't force fullscreen (it frustrates those who want to try your game real quick) -- Develop for 1280x720 (so people can make HD videos)