Have you ever found yourself chugging through the tedium that is callbacks? It seems that every library wants a piece of your program loop and you have to give it to them or nothing will work. For this reason, I wrote a handy utility I like to call Attachment!
What is it?
Attachment is a callback helper utility for LÖVE that allows you to easily attach to other libraries and objects, indiscriminately, and do what matters most!
Shamelessly ripped from the readme
To use Attachment, require it into your project, create an event handler, and attach some functions to it.
Creating an Event Handler
Creating a Attachment event handler is as simple as calling the Attachment table.
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local attachment = require("attachment")
local handler = attachment()
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local attachment = require("attachment")()
The function for attaching functions is used like this
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attachment:attach("event name", function)
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local attachment = require("attachment")()
attachment:attach("draw", function()
love.graphics.setColor(0, 255, 0)
love.graphics.print("Hello, World!", 0, 0)
With Attachment, you can also add all of an object or module's callbacks to a Attachment event handler by calling attachment:attachObject
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local attachment = require("attachment")()
local othermodule = require("othermodule")
To detach a function from an event, do
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attachment:detach("event name", function)
You can register your own events with Attachment if you'd like. To do so, simply attach a function to the desired event and then call the event somewhere in your code.
For example:
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local attachment = require("attachment")()
attachment:attach("foo", function() print("bar") end)
attachment:call("foo") -- Outputs "bar"
If, for some reason, your main environment is not love, you can pass your environment to Attachment as the first argument when creating your Attachment event handler.
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local environment = require("environment")
local attachment = require("attachment")(environment)
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local attachment = require("attachment")({})
Attachment is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file distributed with the library for details.
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