I just started using love2d few days ago and I really appreciate the engine (even if I didn't code in lua before, lol).
I am using older love version (0.8), since I was learning from a tutorial coworking with AdvTiledLoader and I found out that newer versions doesn't support it.
I'm trying to crop a sprite from a spritesheet.
Code: Select all
function DrawSprite(object)
finalcut = love.graphics.newQuad(0, 0, 37, 37, object.spriteSheet:getWidth(),object.spriteSheet:getHeight())
love.graphics.drawq(object.spriteSheet, finalcut, 100, 100)
And it's not only about the frame, but the image is blurred.
I've been trying to google the answer but all I found is 'use integer positions'.
I'm pretty sure that the numbers I use to blend the images are all integers.
Yeah and I know that using quad every frame may cause jamming, I'll rework it later, but for now I need an answer - can this be fixed?