Get ready... TO BATTLE!

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Get ready... TO BATTLE!

Post by NightKawata »

Welcome to the new year, everyone! I've probably said that already!
Anyways, with the new year comes a new Metanet Hunter... But this one's got a lot of twists!

Without further ado, I present to you... Metanet Hunter Battle!

It's the newest entry in the Metanet Hunter series, AND it's also the first HD Metanet Hunter! You can thank the talented Shaun Williams for that!

Your ultimate objective is to terminate the Metanet Terminal, and in this arcade-styled battler, there's a lot of ways to do it!
  • For one, there's a lot more roguelike elements embedded into the game! That also means permadeath. Die once, and it's a new game for you!
  • Replayability! Nobody wants to replay a Metanet Hunter after you beat it, but with this game, you'll certainly want to do so! But... Why?
  • Every run is different! There's tons of stages (and more can be unlocked), tons of different things to do, tons of bosses, and tons of fun!
This time around, Bachibora's got a ton of new tricks up his sleeve!

So how do you play this?
  • The game's arcade-styled! Once you start a new game, you begin completely fresh! You have a free-roam period of about 30 seconds to collect as many powerups as you can, and then it's time to start playing!
  • You want to try to get as many Crystal Chips in a round as possible, and try to get to as high a round as possible!
  • Every round has you do new things, and you never know what'll happen next! One round could have you fight a hornet's nest, one round could have you dodging falling boulders, and one room could be a visit with the devil!
Some stages have certain types of visual variation, just to keep things fresh!

Are there unlockables?
  • Yes, very!
  • There's a whole slew of armors waiting for you to pick up!
  • New stages can be unlocked the more you play!
  • Different types of rooms can also be unlocked, and different bosses are unlocked the more you play!
You can even sell some of your life to the Devil! I managed to pick up the Dark Armor a few rounds ago. Eventually, he'll have his own room, with statues and all sorts of cool stuff! You'll be able to desecrate his altar if you'd like to fight him!

Did I also mention Binary Cocoa and Nekuzen Team are teaming up for this one? As you can see, that teamwork's going a long way! We'll try to get this game to as many people as possible, and you can count on that!

Q: Will there be multiplayer?
A: I plan on it!

Q: When will this be out?
A: Hopefully it'll be out before June!

Q: Will it be Greenlit?
A: Hopefully!

Q: Don't you ever get sick of making Metanet Hunters?
A: Never!


With that, I leave you guys adieu! Leave some comments down below, and add some feedback! I'd love to hear your thoughts!
Enjoy the new year, and hopefully you'll enjoy Metanet Hunter Battle!
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Re: Get ready... TO BATTLE!

Post by LPGhatguy »

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Re: Get ready... TO BATTLE!

Post by Sapper »

noooice :cool:
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Re: Get ready... TO BATTLE!

Post by nUMBRA »

I had a feeling something like this would come along... :awesome:
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Re: Get ready... TO BATTLE!

Post by Karai17 »

Holy Bologna, Batman! This is quite impressive to say the least! I look forward to seeing this come out!
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