I think there would be a lot of improvements on how it generates the name, like defining better sets of rules. For example now it cannot make names like aya, since it only puts 1 or 2 vowels in a row. Another thing that would probably need to be considered would be possible starting / ending letters and letters that can be in middle of name. I am not sure what kind of ruleset would work for determining these, but from what I've tested out, some combinations of letters just feel awkward in middle of names like for example 'j'.
Anyways here is the code:
Code: Select all
-- Namey, a name generator
math.randomseed(os.time()) -- to avoid setting same seed on every launch
local NameGenerator = {}
-- The names are bit odd ones but atleast it gives something.
-- Random rules for creating weird names!
local vowels = "aeiouy"
local consonants = "bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxz"
local doubleConsonantFirst = "bcdghklmnprstvw"
local doubleConsonantSecond = "dhklmnrst"
local function pickOne(t)
local pos = math.random( string.len(t) )
return t:sub( pos, pos )
-- Generates some weird names
function NameGenerator:generateName( parts, isFirstLetterCapital )
local tName = {}
local pos = 0
local isConsonant = math.random(2) == 1
for i = 1, parts do
if isConsonant then
if math.random(2) == 1 then -- double consonant
tName[ i ] = pickOne(doubleConsonantFirst) .. pickOne(doubleConsonantSecond)
tName[ i ] = pickOne( consonants )
tName[i] = ""
for j = 1, math.random(2) do -- 1 to 2 vowels in a row
tName[ i ] = tName[ i ] .. pickOne( vowels )
isConsonant = not isConsonant
-- capitalize first letter
if isFirstLetterCapital then
tName[1] = string.upper( tName[1]:sub(1,1) ) .. tName[1]:sub(2)
local sName = table.concat( tName )
return sName
return NameGenerator
Code: Select all
local namey = require( "namey" )
local names = {}
local font = love.graphics.newFont( 16 )
local fontHeight = font:getHeight()
function love.load()
for i = 1, 20 do
-- names with 2 to 4 parts,
-- so the name can be 2 to 8 letter long
names[i] = namey:generateName( math.random(2,4),true)
function love.draw()
for i = 1, #names do
love.graphics.print( names[i], 10, i * fontHeight )
love.graphics.print( "Press R to regenerate names", 10, (#names+1) * fontHeight )
love.graphics.print( "Press Q / esc to quit", 10, (#names + 2) * fontHeight )
function love.keypressed(key)
if key == "r" then
elseif key == "escape" or key == "q" then
Edit: Fixed a bug where I used math.random(1) == 1 where math.random(1) returns 1 always, instead of 0 or 1.