HUMP - yet another set of helpers

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Re: HUMP - yet another set of helpers

Post by bartbes »

Your problem is the combination of this line:

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Actor = require 'Actor'
and that your Actor file does not return the Actor class. Require defaults to 'true' if nothing was explicitly returned, so that is the boolean from your error message. (By the way, you're setting a global here, named Actor, so I'm pretty sure you just nuked that class..)

That in turn means that here

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Player = Class{
__includes = Actor,
you try to inherit from the boolean 'true', which.. well, doesn't work.

Oh, and I only just saw your edit, damn you! :(
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Re: HUMP - yet another set of helpers

Post by Ford_Prefect »


I screwed up my coordinate systems and should be ashamed of myself. Nothing to see here, move along.
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Re: HUMP - yet another set of helpers

Post by Jeeper »

Ford_Prefect wrote:[edit]

I screwed up my coordinate systems and should be ashamed of myself. Nothing to see here, move along.
Don't worry, sometimes explaining a problem to someone else is the best way to solve it. As you then think of all the things that in your mind are obvious as you are explaining them.
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Re: HUMP - yet another set of helpers

Post by kikito »

Yep. It is called Rubber Duck Debugging.
When I write def I mean function.
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Re: HUMP - yet another set of helpers

Post by Jeeper »

kikito wrote:Yep. It is called Rubber Duck Debugging.
Hah, you learn something new every day :)
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Re: HUMP - yet another set of helpers

Post by Ford_Prefect »

That's great and all, but unfortunately my code still doesn't work the way I want it to :D

I like that duck though.
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Re: HUMP - yet another set of helpers

Post by ivan »

Hey Vrld, this is a pretty cool lib. :)
Just have a small suggestion about the following piece of code:

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-- ref.:
function vector:trim_inplace(maxLen)
	local s = maxLen * maxLen / self:len2()
	s = (s > 1 and 1) or math.sqrt(s)
	self.x, self.y = self.x * s, self.y * s
	return self
self:len2() could return 0 here so I would suggest an "if" check or perhaps the approach that I use:

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-- trims vector size if above a given length
function vector:trim_inplace(maxLen)
  assert(maxLen >= 0)
  local d = self:len()
  if d > maxLen then
    local s = 1/d * maxLen -- 1/d = inverse length, could be simplified to: maxLen/d
    self.x, self.y = self.x * s, self.y * s
  return self
1/d is basically the inverse length.
I believe the code above should work as long as "maxLen" is >= 0.
If you want to support negative magnitudes then it becomes:

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function vector:trim_inplace(maxLen)
  local d = self:len()
  if d > maxLen and d > 0 then
    local s = maxLen/d
    self.x, self.y = self.x * s, self.y * s
  return self
Same as above, but with "len2" instead of "len":

Code: Select all

function vector:trim_inplace(maxLen)
  local d2 = self:len2()
  if d2 > maxLen*maxLen and d2 > 0 then
    local s = maxLen/math.sqrt(d2)
    self.x, self.y = self.x * s, self.y * s
  return self
Great work on the lib, just wanted to mention this since HugoBDesigner had a similar issue.

PS. Also, I have another small suggestion :)

Code: Select all

function vector:perpendicular()
  return new(-self.y, self.x)
could become:

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function vector:rotate90ccw()
  return new(-self.y, self.x)
function vector:rotate90cw()
  return new(self.y, -self.x)
function vector:rotate180()
  return new(-self.x, -self.y)
Last edited by ivan on Fri Jan 09, 2015 4:45 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: HUMP - yet another set of helpers

Post by Ford_Prefect »

ivan wrote: PS. Also, I have another small suggestion :)

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function vector:perpendicular()
  return new(-self.y, self.x)
could become:

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function vector:rotate90ccw()
  return new(-self.y, self.x)
function vector:rotate90cw()
  return new(self.y, -self.x)
function vector:rotate180()
  return new(-self.x, -self.y)
I think this would be great. I found :perpendicular() confusing at first, too.
Also, I think HUMP rotates in the other direction than löve. (HUMP goes counterclockwise for positive values, löve clockwise.)

On a different note, I figured out what caused problems in my code. Take a look at the attached .love file. It's calculating the angle between a rotating vector and a vertical one.
See that jump from 1/2 pi to 3/2 pi? That's a frustration feature...

edit: For now I created my own :angleTo() using the scalar product which does everything I need:

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function vector:angleTo(input)
	return math.acos( (self.x * input.x + self.y * input.y) / (math.sqrt((self.x^2 + self.y^2)) * math.sqrt((input.x^2 + input.y^2))))
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Last edited by Ford_Prefect on Fri Jan 09, 2015 4:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: HUMP - yet another set of helpers

Post by ivan »

Ford_Prefect wrote:I think this would be great. I found :perpendicular() confusing at first, too.
Also, I think HUMP rotates in the other direction than löve. (HUMP goes counterclockwise for positive values, löve clockwise.)
With trigonometry:
0 degrees (0 radians) is East
90 degrees (pi/2) is North
180 degrees (pi) is West
270 degrees (3*pi/2) is South.
On a different note, I figured out what caused problems in my code. Take a look at the attached .love file. It's calculating the angle between a rotating vector and a vertical one.
See that jump from 1/2 pi to 3/2 pi? That's a frustration feature...
The angle between two vectors (R) is a classic problem, could be solved using the dot product instead of atan2:

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-- for two normalized vectors:
cos(R) = dot(a,b)
R = acos(dot(a,b))

-- for any two vectors:
cos(R) = dot(a,b)/(length(a)*length(b))
R = acos(dot(a,b)/(length(a)*length(b)))
Last edited by ivan on Fri Jan 09, 2015 4:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: HUMP - yet another set of helpers

Post by Ford_Prefect »

ivan wrote:[...]
See my edit above, exactly what I did :D

(You beat me by a few seconds)

The best thing is, my code works now. :)
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