Modifying the world within the locked callback functions

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Modifying the world within the locked callback functions

Post by borix134 »

So, I would like to call a function that modifies the world within the collision callbacks:

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function land(ship_fixture,planet_fixture)
function beginContact(a, b, coll)  --when the objects initially collide, ship is a
	if a:getUserData()=="ship" then
function endContact(a, b, coll) --when the objects stop touching

function preSolve(a, b, coll) --while the objects are touching

function postSolve(a, b, coll, normalimpulse1, tangentimpulse1, normalimpulse2, tangentimpulse2) --dont know what the f*** this is
Anywho, I dont really want to use hardon collider, because I am already using physics, and would not want to re-enter all the shapes into the module, as well as risk performance when the callback functions already know when the objects collide. What would be the best way to modify the world whlist triggered by a beginCallback() function?
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Re: Modifying the world within the locked callback functions

Post by Azhukar »

borix134 wrote:What would be the best way to modify the world whlist triggered by a beginCallback() function?
Depends on what you want to modify.

You also have a bug waiting to happen:

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if a:getUserData()=="ship" then
You are not guaranteed that A will be ship, B can be ship while at the same time A is something else. You have to always first determine which of the two fixtures is which.
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