Code Doodles!

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Re: Code Doodles!

Post by Zilarrezko »

davisdude wrote:I see you watch Coding Math.
Great videos. Very informative.
Yeah, Love him. Pretty much what I wake up every morning hoping for. Not very many prosaic programming concepts and "follow along" videos like his.
HugoBDesigner wrote:Do you mean me? Because I never heard of this channel before :/

EDIT: It's a quite interesting channel, so I think I'll check it more often :)
He was talking about my code doodle before your last one there. It was based off his latest video. I try to apply his videos in an application to something more than what he applied it for, like taking it a bit further. I hope you watch more of it, cause I think he deserves the views.
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Re: Code Doodles!

Post by HugoBDesigner »

Well, in case anyone's interested, I updated my "Lights Out" clone. I fixed some stuff there, nothing new...
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Re: Code Doodles!

Post by veethree »

So after a pretty long hiatus from programming i've returned and made a useless thing that looks kinda neat.

Then i made another useless thing that looks kinda neat just for good measure. This one is contained in main.lua so i'll just post the code.

Code: Select all

local w, h, f = love.window.getMode()
love.window.setMode(800, 800, f)

screen = {
		width =,
		height =
	}, 0, 0)

local obj = {}
local count = 128
local orbit_radius = screen.width / 2 / 2
local radius = screen.width / 2 / 2

for i=1, count do
	local a = ((math.pi * 2) / count) * i
	local hue = (255 / count) * i
	local o = {
		x = 0,
		y = 0,
		angle = a,
		rad = radius,
		radius = radius,
		orad = orbit_radius,
		orbit_rad = orbit_radius,
		orbit_speed = 0.5,
		orbit_x = screen.width / 2,
		orbit_y = screen.height / 2,
		color = {
			h = hue,
			s = 255,
			l = 126,
			a = 8
		t = math.pi / 2

	obj[#obj + 1] = o

function love.update(dt)
	for i,v in ipairs(obj) do
		v.angle = v.angle + v.orbit_speed * dt
		v.t = v.t + (dt / 2)
		--v.radius = math.abs(math.sin(v.t)) * v.rad
		v.orbit_rad = math.abs(math.sin(v.t)) * v.orad
		v.x = math.cos(v.angle) * v.orbit_rad + v.orbit_x
		v.y = math.sin(v.angle) * v.orbit_rad + v.orbit_y

function love.draw()"additive")
	for i,v in ipairs(obj) do, v.color.s, v.color.l, v.color.a))"fill", v.x, v.y, v.radius)
		local a = v.color.a * 4
		if a > 255 then a = 255 end, v.color.s, v.color.l, a))"line", v.x, v.y, v.radius)

function love.keypressed(key)
	if key == "escape" then love.event.push("quit") end

function love.mousepressed(x, y, key)


function hsl(h, s, l, a)
    if s<=0 then return l,l,l,a end
    h, s, l = h/256*6, s/255, l/255
    local c = (1-math.abs(2*l-1))*s
    local x = (1-math.abs(h%2-1))*c
    local m,r,g,b = (l-.5*c), 0,0,0
    if h < 1     then r,g,b = c,x,0
    elseif h < 2 then r,g,b = x,c,0
    elseif h < 3 then r,g,b = 0,c,x
    elseif h < 4 then r,g,b = 0,x,c
    elseif h < 5 then r,g,b = x,0,c
    else              r,g,b = c,0,x
    end return (r+m)*255,(g+m)*255,(b+m)*255,a
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Re: Code Doodles!

Post by undef »

It's pretty, I like it :)
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Re: Code Doodles!

Post by Germanunkol »

That's a very pretty thing you made, veethree!
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Re: Code Doodles!

Post by BOT-Brad »

I made a fun little bezier/quadratic/cubic/... curve creator and thought I'd share it here. The code is a little messy (not optimized at all, but can run fine with even 300+ static points on my crappy laptop), but there are sporadic comments. I hope someone likes it :)


Left-Click to add new points
Right-click to remove points
'SPACE' to start and stop the running of the curve creator.
Mousewheel Up and Down to increase/decrease the time the curve is generated in (Defaults to 1 second).
'v' to hide/show the construction lines and points
'p' to pause the construction (when running only).

pretty much none of the controls work when the curve is being generated. You will need to stop the program with 'SPACE' and then make any changes

Hope you like it! I'd love to hear any feedback!
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Re: Code Doodles!

Post by Germanunkol »

I've been learning about mass-spring systems and how to numerically solve them. I decided to try it out...

Try playing with the parameters (keys: q, a, w, s, e, d)!

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P.S. This can easily be extended for more complex objects, but I'm lazy at the moment, and should get back to studying...

If anyone finds the time, feel free to expand it...
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Re: Code Doodles!

Post by micha »

That is much fun. I am wondering: What constraint hinders the whole box from rotating?
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Re: Code Doodles!

Post by Germanunkol »

Hm. No constant, just the fact that I implemented it wrong :P

Jokes aside - the example we had in the lecture was only the linear relation between two mass points - I extended it to be 2D, but the two dimensions are currently solved independent of each other. I guess there is a mistake there somewhere.

I'll fiddle around with it some more and if I can't find it, then ask the person giving the lecture.

Thanks for the hint! I hadn't even thought about the fact that it should be rotating.
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Re: Code Doodles!

Post by HugoBDesigner »

I was trying a simple image-to-ascii converter. It didn't look so great, but it works, so if anyone wants to use it/fix it/improve it, feel free (credits appreciated but not required).

(disclaimer: I have no rights over this image. I just chose a random 400x400, black-and-white picture on Google)

(Keys: "tab"/"d"/"right" to switch forwards, "shift+tab"/"a"/"left" to switch backwards)
Not the most optimal way of doing this sort of thing...
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