Why does this code not work?

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Why does this code not work?

Post by Sosolol261 »

Code: Select all

function love.draw()
    function mainBackground()
        love.graphics.setBackgroundColor(50, 50, 75)
        love.graphics.rectangle('fill', 0, 520, 1280, 200)
Every time I run this code, I get a blackscreen.. The console doesn't tell me anything and the debugger can't find anything too.
I don't think i did anything wrong.
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Re: Why does this code not work?

Post by Azhukar »

Code: Select all

function love.draw()
        love.graphics.setBackgroundColor(50, 50, 75)
        love.graphics.rectangle('fill', 0, 520, 1280, 200)
This will work.

What your code did previously was declare function mainBackground each frame (each time love.draw was called) and then do nothing with it.
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Re: Why does this code not work?

Post by Sosolol261 »

ah ok thanks :D
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Re: Why does this code not work?

Post by davisdude »

Alternatively, you could do

Code: Select all

function mainBackground()
    love.graphics.setBackgroundColor(50, 50, 75)
    love.graphics.rectangle('fill', 0, 520, 1280, 200)

function love.draw()
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Re: Why does this code not work?

Post by MarkSill »

Or, if you really, really, want to:

Code: Select all

function love.draw()
    function mainBackground()
        love.graphics.setBackgroundColor(50, 50, 75)
        love.graphics.rectangle('fill', 0, 520, 1280, 200)
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