FoundationPack: start from a solid foundation (v0.2)

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FoundationPack: start from a solid foundation (v0.2)

Post by lost_RD »

FoundationPack on Github

FoundationPack is my attempt to bring together a bunch of useful FOSS libraries in order to create a template from which a game can be built as efficiently as possible. It contains a class and state system (middleclass and Stateful), a savegame system that interfaces directly with classes (Lady), a profiler for both love.update and love.draw (PROBE), a debug interface for console output and live code injection (Love Debug), controller support (Controllers.lua) and more. I fully intend to include as much functionality from libraries from the Love2D forums as I can whilst respecting licences and avoiding overlap.
(137.57 KiB) Downloaded 178 times
v0.2 is now live! 0.2 brings the separation of love callbacks from main.lua by moving them to files in the callback folder. With any luck, you should not need to edit main.lua - that's the goal, anyway. All code should be written in the callback files.

v0.2 contains: As of v0.2, the framework is officially functional. For 0.3 I will be working on implementing typical game structures such as entity/class/state frameworks, mostly as a template. I also aim to create some functions in module-loader.lua to load resources from directory trees in the resources folder using love-loader and implementing them into states by default so that loading a state will load its associated resources by default.

Here's a demo! I made this framework because I intend to use it so here's what I made yesterday.
Holf F for FPS graph or P for profilers. Press 1, 2 or 3 to hide/show trees.
I'm told this demo doesn't work for all computers, I'm busy trying to find out why. If anybody works it out, drop me a reply please!
Demo of procedurally generated trees
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If anybody is uncomfortable with me including their work in the pack, just let me know and I'll remove it.
Last edited by lost_RD on Thu Nov 13, 2014 1:56 am, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: FoundationPack: start from a solid foundation (v0.1)

Post by davisdude »

One thing that you could add to this is a camera library. I recommend kikito's gamera.
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Re: FoundationPack: start from a solid foundation (v0.1)

Post by JaredSartin »

Could you put this on github? SO much nicer to track changes and keep projects updated!
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Re: FoundationPack: start from a solid foundation (v0.1)

Post by lost_RD »

davisdude wrote:One thing that you could add to this is a camera library. I recommend kikito's gamera.
It will be in v0.2 :awesome:
JaredSartin wrote:Could you put this on github? SO much nicer to track changes and keep projects updated!
I suppose I could. I'll do it upon release of 0.2 (which is coming along nicely!).

Edit: Version 0.2 released, main post and topic updated, I also included a demo this time
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Re: FoundationPack: start from a solid foundation (v0.2)

Post by Positive07 »

I would like a configuration to your project, most of the time I end up not using some of the libraries so maybe they could be avoided if they are not used in the project. To do this you could add some kind of configuration to it.
Thanks for your hard work, as I said in some other thread I'm gonna fork the repo and modify it for my own projects. Thanks!
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Re: FoundationPack: start from a solid foundation (v0.2)

Post by SiENcE »

The link to richtext is is the right one

I updated richtext and removed some issues. Here is the link to the updated version:
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