How Do I Make Something Happen When Two Sprites Collide?

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How Do I Make Something Happen When Two Sprites Collide?

Post by Kookerus »

I'm trying to make a clone of snake, but I don't know how to find out if two sprites have collided. Can anyone help?
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Re: How Do I Make Something Happen When Two Sprites Collide?

Post by s-ol »

Kookerus wrote:I'm trying to make a clone of snake, but I don't know how to find out if two sprites have collided. Can anyone help?
You need to do math. That totally depends on how the rest of your program works and I am too lazy to check right now, but basically either:

a) do it yourself, just compare the coordinates or something more useful, depending on what your code works with
b) use a collision detection library like HardonCollider or bump, which is probably an extreme overkill for something like snake.

Either way, you aren't going to check for collisions of sprites but for collisions of "game data" or whatever you want to call it, either with simple math or by comparing their bounding-box-rectangles in some way. /blog  - /st8.lua  - /gtglg /curcur

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print( type(love) )
if false then
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Re: How Do I Make Something Happen When Two Sprites Collide?

Post by master both »

Use this function to detect if a box is ovelapping another box, you can do the same with sprite, just fill the arguments with the respective variables and check if it's true or false.
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Re: How Do I Make Something Happen When Two Sprites Collide?

Post by artofwork »

Messed around with your code a little just for the fun of it hehe anyway i changed some things.

I created tables for both the player and random player or boxes in this case, gave them names to identify each player, the random player or computer changes color when it collides with the player and the text where it says hey changes to win!!! then changes back when the objects are not colliding with 1 another.

Its not a perfect application but it has some elements to help you get started messing around with it further :)

Code: Select all

local player = {
	x = 20,
	y = 50,
	width = 25,
	height = 25,
	name = "Player",
	hascollided = false

local randomplayer = {
	x = 100,
	y = 100,
	width = 10,
	height = 10,
	name = "Computer",
	color = {0,255,0},
	hascollided = false

function love.load()


function love.update(dt)
  if love.keyboard.isDown('w', 'up') then
    player.y = player.y - 3
  elseif love.keyboard.isDown('a', 'left') then
    player.x = player.x - 3
  elseif love.keyboard.isDown('s', 'down')then
    player.y = player.y + 3
  elseif love.keyboard.isDown('d', 'right') then
    player.x = player.x + 3
	collisionDetect(randomplayer, player)
-- this function will effect the color of randomplayer & the conditions inside love.draw
function collisionDetect(obj1, obj2)
	if (obj1.x > obj2.x and obj1.x < (obj2.x + obj2.width)) and (obj1.y > obj2.y and obj1.y < (obj2.y + obj2.height)) then
		obj1.hascollided = true
		obj2.hascollided = true
		obj1.color = {255,0,0}
	obj1.hascollided = false
	obj2.hascollided = false
	obj1.color = {0,255,0}

function love.draw(), 255, 255), 0, 0)"fill", player.x, player.y, player.width, player.height)
	-- this will allow you to float a name above a character or box :p,player.x, player.y - 15),randomplayer.x, randomplayer.y - 15)
	-- since collisionDetect() changes the color when the objects collide it will automatically update randomplayer's color"fill", randomplayer.x, randomplayer.y, randomplayer.width, randomplayer.height), 0, 255)
	-- this is pretty straight forward if both values are true execute the if, if they are not execute the else
	if player.hascollided and randomplayer.hascollided then"WIN!!!!!", 400, 300)
	else"Hey", 400, 300)
and a working love file
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Re: How Do I Make Something Happen When Two Sprites Collide?

Post by Kookerus »

Thank you all so much!
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