Overlapping Object Selection

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Overlapping Object Selection

Post by vynom »

Hello everyone!

I have been working on a very small gui implementation, and for the life of me cannot come up with a way to do something(in theory seems very straightforward).

If 2 frames with an x, y, width, and height, are overlapping, how can you set the top-most window to "active" or "selected?" Everything I start to come up with becomes incredibly verbose for something that will be called every frame update, so I'm hoping someone out there might have a better idea(that works of course :megagrin: ). I thought a push/pop might work, but determining the top window to move to the top still selects multiple, almost like I need to filter through the table backwards.

Any help would be appreciated
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Re: Overlapping Object Selection

Post by lost_RD »

Have you tried using z-levels?
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Re: Overlapping Object Selection

Post by micha »

Could you please post a .love file and explain how to reproduce the problem?
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Re: Overlapping Object Selection

Post by s-ol »

micha wrote:Could you please post a .love file and explain how to reproduce the problem?
lost_RD wrote:Have you tried using z-levels?
OP is kil

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Re: Overlapping Object Selection

Post by vynom »

A z-list would seem beneficial for draw order, the problem I have come across was how to get the top-most selected window.

I used the example from Nova-fusion to throw a quick example up(so you can see what I mean, if I had a way to demonstrate it any better... it would be fixed lol :D )

When the objects overlap, and you try to move only one, they both move. I need to be able to set the "top" one to current, so only it will be moveable.

I also need to be able to select another rect as the top or current by clicking the other where they dont overlap to set it on top.

Using the boundaries to determine another window is selected is fine, until they overlap, then I run into a problem with it returning multiple true statements for the collision check to set the rect on top.

Hopefully this clears it up

OP is kil
I have no idea what that means.
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Re: Overlapping Object Selection

Post by s-ol »

vynom wrote:A z-list would seem beneficial for draw order, the problem I have come across was how to get the top-most selected window.
Just stop when you get the first one!
vynom wrote:
OP is kil
I have no idea what that means.
It's a joke and slang for "OP died", you didn't respond for a while so I assumed you were gone.


Code: Select all

function love.draw()
	for i=#Rect.list,1,-1 do -- opposite order

function love.mousepressed(x, y, button)
	if button == "l" then
		for i,v in ipairs(Rect.list) do -- assuming Rect.list is sorted so that first windows are higher
			if x > v.x and x < v.x + v.width
			and y > v.y and y < v.y + v.height
			v.dragging.active = true
			v.dragging.diffX = x - v.x
			v.dragging.diffY = y - v.y
			return -- stop here!
If keeping the list ordered is too much of a hassle then add a z attribute to each rect and select them like this: (note that drawing them like this gets even messier):

Code: Select all

local top, z = nil, -1
for _,v in ipairs(Rect.list) do
	if v.z > z and <...check hit...> then
		z = v.z
		top = v
if not top then return end -- none hit
Last edited by s-ol on Tue Nov 18, 2014 10:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Overlapping Object Selection

Post by Muris »

As far as I understand the topmost object is the one that is last drawn. So if you draw objects like from 1 to n, then the nth indexed object will always be topmost regardless where the object resides on the window. So to figure out which object it hits, just go it through in reverse order ( from n to 1 ), until it hits one, or if none of the boxes are within boundaries then pick none.

Edit: Also to point out the post on top of mine, never use pairs() if you want to be sure to have defined order. Atleast according to lua tutorial there is no guarantee in which order pairs() returns, unlike ipairs always goes from 1 to n. http://lua-users.org/wiki/ForTutorial

Altho according to this http://coronalabs.com/blog/2013/03/12/p ... mizations/ in lua using ipairs is not recommended, because apparently it generates some overhead, but to just use for loop.

Code: Select all

for i = 1, #table do
   print( table[i] )
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Re: Overlapping Object Selection

Post by vynom »

Both were what I was looking for, along with removing and readding to the table to move it to the end, thanks!
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Re: Overlapping Object Selection

Post by s-ol »

Muris wrote:As far as I understand the topmost object is the one that is last drawn. So if you draw objects like from 1 to n, then the nth indexed object will always be topmost regardless where the object resides on the window. So to figure out which object it hits, just go it through in reverse order ( from n to 1 ), until it hits one, or if none of the boxes are within boundaries then pick none.

Edit: Also to point out the post on top of mine, never use pairs() if you want to be sure to have defined order. Atleast according to lua tutorial there is no guarantee in which order pairs() returns, unlike ipairs always goes from 1 to n. http://lua-users.org/wiki/ForTutorial

Altho according to this http://coronalabs.com/blog/2013/03/12/p ... mizations/ in lua using ipairs is not recommended, because apparently it generates some overhead, but to just use for loop.

Code: Select all

for i = 1, #table do
   print( table[i] )
whoops, I meant to use ipairs there aswell.

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print( type(love) )
if false then
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