I would be really thanksfull if someone of you give me or teach me how to do a script for my game, I need that the script do the same thing as the "flappy bird pipes" do, moving to the left constantly. I leave a video to give you an idea about what I want.
Need a script like flappy birds. (Read Please)
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- Prole
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Need a script like flappy birds. (Read Please)
Pollo Rostizado
New in the programation world
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Re: Need a script like flappy birds. (Read Please)
Hi, we are happy to help you. Could you please describe more precisely what you have so far, and where you need help. If you just request people to write code for you, you will most probably get no help.
So, have you started a script already, and if yes, please upload a .love file and tell us where exactly you have problems.
So, have you started a script already, and if yes, please upload a .love file and tell us where exactly you have problems.
Check out my blog on gamedev
- Prole
- Posts: 7
- Joined: Tue Oct 28, 2014 5:18 am
Re: Need a script like flappy birds. (Read Please)
micha wrote:Hi, we are happy to help you. Could you please describe more precisely what you have so far, and where you need help. If you just request people to write code for you, you will most probably get no help.
So, have you started a script already, and if yes, please upload a .love file and tell us where exactly you have problems.
Okey, thanks. I will(:
Pollo Rostizado
New in the programation world
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- McPandaBurger
- Prole
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Re: Need a script like flappy birds. (Read Please)
Hey Dude,
I'm trying to learn the same thing.
The splash screen for the latest version of love does this, and I'm trying to get my head around what's going on there.
you can get the code from my thread here here http://love2d.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=79066
the parts you're looking for are called baby rain.
I'm breaking it down now but here's what I've understood needs to be there so far (my game is about falling rather than going sideways so you'll need to mod yours in the x not the Y axis)
this is not my code, I'm just copying out what I think is needed and then trying to understand it my self, hopefully it'll help though, i'm just starting out and I think this is beyond what I should be trying at this stage but still I'm enjoying working it out.
make sure you make an image called 1.png in a folder next to your main.lua otherwise this won't work.
I'm trying to learn the same thing.
The splash screen for the latest version of love does this, and I'm trying to get my head around what's going on there.
you can get the code from my thread here here http://love2d.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=79066
the parts you're looking for are called baby rain.
I'm breaking it down now but here's what I've understood needs to be there so far (my game is about falling rather than going sideways so you'll need to mod yours in the x not the Y axis)
this is not my code, I'm just copying out what I think is needed and then trying to understand it my self, hopefully it'll help though, i'm just starting out and I think this is beyond what I should be trying at this stage but still I'm enjoying working it out.
make sure you make an image called 1.png in a folder next to your main.lua otherwise this won't work.
Code: Select all
local function loadimage(file, name)
return love.graphics.newImage('1.png')
local rain = {}
local g_time = 0
function love.load()
rain.image = loadimage("1.png")
rain.img_w = rain.image:getWidth()
rain.img_h = rain.image:getHeight()
rain.spacing_x = 110
rain.spacing_y = rain.img_h + 2
rain.ox = -rain.img_w / 2
rain.oy = -rain.img_h / 2
rain.batch = love.graphics.newSpriteBatch(rain.image, 512)
rain.t = 0
function create_rain()
local batch = rain.batch
local sx = rain.spacing_x
local sy = rain.spacing_y
local ox = rain.ox
local oy = rain.oy
local m = 1 / love.window.getPixelScale()
local batch_w = 2 * math.ceil(m * love.graphics.getWidth() / sx) + 2
local batch_h = 2 * math.ceil(m * love.graphics.getHeight() / sy) + 2
if batch:getBufferSize() < batch_w * batch_h then
batch:setBufferSize(batch_w * batch_h)
for i = 0, batch_h - 1 do
for j = 0, batch_w - 1 do
local is_even = (j % 2) == 0
local offset_y = is_even and 0 or sy / 2
local x = ox + j * sx
local y = oy + i * sy + offset_y
batch:add(x, y)
local function update_rain(t)
rain.t = t
function love.update(dt)
g_time = g_time + dt / 2
local int, frac = math.modf(g_time)
local function draw_grid()
local y = rain.spacing_y * rain.t
local big_y = -rain.spacing_y - y
love.graphics.draw(rain.batch, -rain.spacing_x, big_y)
function love.draw()
I have no idea what I'm doing
- McPandaBurger
- Prole
- Posts: 16
- Joined: Sat Apr 28, 2012 3:32 pm
Re: Need a script like flappy birds. (Read Please)
I should add I haven't finished stripping out anything that doesn't need to be there so I'm sure people who know what they're doing will see this and laugh.
I have no idea what I'm doing
Re: Need a script like flappy birds. (Read Please)
Here's a flappy bird game in one file, although it sounds like you guys are just interested in the scrolling.
In order to do scrolling like in the "No Game!" screen for love, you need to modify the position of your images by a velocity * dt every update.
In the case of the "No Game!" screen, there are two layers doing this, one on top of the other, with different velocities.
Code: Select all
function love.load()
player = {
width = 10,
height = 10,
x = 70,
y = 70,
vy = 0,
vx = 0
timer = 0
gravity = 1300
max_upwards_velocity = -gravity/2
pipes = {}
gap_size = 100
pipe_width = 40
pipe_timer = 1.8
speed = 300
time_between_pipes = speed/250
window_height = love.graphics.getHeight()
window_width = love.graphics.getWidth()
gameover = false
score = 0
function make_pipes()
-- Let's think about where the gaps in the pipes go
-- Obviously they can't go off the screen so let's limit them to the window
-- height
gap_area = window_height
-- But if we draw them with the top at the bottom of the screen, the bottom
-- will be too low and we'll have a smaller gap.
-- Let's ensure this never happens by not putting the top of the gap closer
-- to the bottom than its own width.
gap_area = gap_area - gap_size
-- And let's ensure that there always appear to be 2 pipes instead of one
-- by never moving the gap far enough away from the center to hit the edge
-- In this case, let's keep the pipe in the middle 80% of the screen
-- We'll have to remember to offset the gap downwards by 10% the area we
-- were considering before.
vertical_offset = gap_area * 0.1
gap_area = gap_area * 0.8
-- Now we're ready to work out what the co-ordinates of our pipes should be
-- First, put the gap in randomly by generating an integer value up to
-- "gap_area"'s size
gap_position = math.random(gap_area)
--Now the first pipe
pipe1 = {
x = window_width, -- start all pipes offscreen to the right
y = 0, -- stop player from cheating by making top pipe really high
width = pipe_width,
height = vertical_offset + gap_position
-- Work out the second pipe based on the gap size and the first pipe
pipe2 = {
x = window_width,
y = pipe1.height + gap_size,
width = pipe_width
pipe2.height = window_height - pipe2.width
-- return the pipes
return {pipe1, pipe2, scored = false}
--BoundingBox.lua stolen straight from the love wiki
function CheckCollision(x1,y1,w1,h1, x2,y2,w2,h2)
return x1 < x2+w2 and
x2 < x1+w1 and
y1 < y2+h2 and
y2 < y1+h1
function love.update(dt)
-- Downwards velocity is affected by gravity
player.vy = player.vy + gravity * dt
-- and velocity changes position
player.y = player.y + player.vy * dt
if player.vx > 0 then
print("Um guys vx is " .. player.vx)
player.x = player.x + player.vx * dt
-- lose if you fall off the screen
if player.y > window_height then
gameover = true
-- for each pipe
for number, pipe in ipairs(pipes) do
-- Move pipes left
pipe[1].x = pipe[1].x - speed * dt
pipe[2].x = pipe[2].x - speed * dt
-- Lose when a pipe collides with player
-- Notice we extend the rectangle of the upper pipe by 10000 pixels upwards
-- so that the player can't jump over pipes
if CheckCollision(player.x, player.y, player.width, player.height,
pipe[1].x, pipe[1].y - 100000, pipe[1].width, pipe[1].height + 100000)
or CheckCollision(player.x, player.y, player.width, player.height,
pipe[2].x, pipe[2].y, pipe[2].width, pipe[2].height ) then
gameover = true
-- Also check collision with the gap, and add one to the score when
-- we collide with it. Mark the pipes' scored attribute as true
-- so that we don't keep adding to the score every time we run
-- love.update whilst we're between 2 pipes
if CheckCollision(player.x, player.y, player.width, player.height,
pipe[1].x, pipe[1].y + pipe[1].height, pipe[1].width, gap_size)
and not pipe.scored and not gameover then -- don't let corpses score either
score = score + 1
pipe.scored = true
-- remove pipes when they're off the screen to the left
if pipe[1].x < 0 - pipe_width then
-- this only works because we insert pipes into the front of the
-- pipes table instead of the back, and we remove them in the same
-- order we add them.
pipes[number] = nil
pipe_timer = pipe_timer - dt --decrease pipe timer
if pipe_timer < 0 then -- when timer runs out
pipe_timer = time_between_pipes -- reset timer
table.insert(pipes, 1, make_pipes()) -- and add pipes
function love.draw()
-- make sure that the color is set to white (important after dying)
-- Make everything a different color on gameover
if gameover then
love.graphics.setColor(0, 70, 140)
-- Draw player
love.graphics.rectangle("fill", player.x, player.y, player.width, player.height)
-- For each pipe
for number, pipe in ipairs(pipes) do
-- draw the top pipe
love.graphics.rectangle("fill", pipe[1].x, pipe[1].y, pipe[1].width, pipe[1].height)
-- and the bottom pipe
love.graphics.rectangle("fill", pipe[2].x, pipe[2].y, pipe[2].width, pipe[2].height)
if gameover then
love.graphics.rectangle("fill", 0, window_height/2 - 35, window_width, 70)
love.graphics.print("Score: " .. score .. ". Press ESC to restart", window_width/2 - 80, window_height/2 - 10)
function love.keypressed(key, isRepeat)
if key == "return" then
if player.vy < 0 then
player.vy = player.vy - gravity/3
player.vy = -gravity/3
if player.vy < max_upwards_velocity then
player.vy = max_upwards_velocity
-- escape restarts game
if key == "escape" then
In the case of the "No Game!" screen, there are two layers doing this, one on top of the other, with different velocities.
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