As i'm a Lua enthusiast i've made a RakNet library for Lua 5.1.4 (idk if its correct target for love)
RakNet is now open source under a modified BSD license! RakNet is a cross platform, open source, C++ networking engine for game programmers.

I know theres a library called lube that does a similar thing, i will check on that, but as i have years of experience using raknet i prefer this as trusted, safe and lightweight library for my networking. And we better dont talk about luasocket, im so lazy to even mind it...
So this is my alpha release, i want to enhance it by user feedback, another thing is this lib is builded for windows, maybe someone can help me to port this to linux, mac... RakNet is compatible with win, mac, linux, android, ios, xbox, ps3, rpi... feel free to ask me for sources
Im not going to make this more long since i've prepared a cool documentation
My next step is to create a basic integration and sample of use, but i have fist to learn love so maybe anyone can help me preparing a sample.
Any feedback will be wellcome,
Regards. P