Hope everyone's doing great, I'm new to Lua, LOVE and thus this forum. I have an inquiry concerning the distributable package size.
love-0.9.1-macosx-x64.zip is 3.9MB
and yet when I package the app (as per the instructions here) as a zip file, I end up with a ~10mb MyGame.zip
Code: Select all
$ zip MyGame.love main.lua
$ cp -r love.app MyGame.app
$ cp MyGame.love MyGame.app/Contents/Resources
$ zip MyGame.zip MyGame.app
-rw-r--r-- 1 [me] staff 10M Oct 23 11:19 MyGame.zip
P.S.: I'm on mavericks and my game is a couple dozen lines of code with no additional resources.
Thank you for your time!