Hi, I'm new to Love2d, and I have 2 questions.
1.Does love.update(dt) HAVE to be called in main.lua?
2. If it doesn't HAVE to then can I call the function love.update(dt) multiple times? like this:
function love.load
function love.update(dt)
function love.update(dt)
function love.draw()
--Any help will be appreciated!
Re: love.update(dt)
No, love.update does not have to be called by you at all. In main.lua you define this function, but love calls it automatically each frame.
If you are interested in how this is done, have a look at the love.run() function.
If you are interested in how this is done, have a look at the love.run() function.
Check out my blog on gamedev
Re: love.update(dt)
Okay I understand now, thanks for your help!
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