[solved] Resetting a table back to it's original values

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[solved] Resetting a table back to it's original values

Post by AlexCalv »

I'm trying to 'restart' my game and the only way I can think of is calling the player table when you lose. I know I could turn the table into a function but if I do that, then I have to change all of my functions from "player.Draw()" to "playerDraw()" for example. If I don't then I get an error. Is there a way to I guess, recall a table with it's original set values?

This is my player table if you need it.

Code: Select all

player = {x = 10,
	y = 636,
	width = 80,
	height = 80,
	speed = 300,
	xVel = 0,
	yVel = 0,
	jumpVel = -800,
	score = 0,
	lives = 3,
	state = "stand"
Last edited by AlexCalv on Sun Oct 05, 2014 7:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Resetting a table back to it's original values

Post by davisdude »

You could make another variable with the exact same values as the other table, and then at the end reset it. Note that this is not allowed:

Code: Select all

oldTable = table
This doesn't work because the values in oldTable will be changed each time the "table's" values are changed. Instead, do something like this:

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local function DeepCopy( Table, Cache ) -- Robin's code.
    if type( Table ) ~= 'table' then
        return Table

    Cache = Cache or {}
    if Cache[Table] then
        return Cache[Table]

    local New = {}
    Cache[Table] = New
    for Key, Value in pairs( Table ) do
        New[Globals.DeepCopy( Key, Cache)] = Globals.DeepCopy( Value, Cache )

    return New
Then implement it:

Code: Select all

Table = { 1, 2, 3 }
OldTable = DeepCopy( Table )

-- Game stuff

if RestartGame then
    Table = OldTable
    -- All the other variables, in this style.
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Re: Resetting a table back to it's original values

Post by ivan »

There are several ways to solve this.
Davisdude's method is very good although I prefer a slightly different implementation:

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--- Copies the contents from one table to another
--- Does not remove existing elements in the destination table
-- @param s Source table
-- @param d Destination table (optional)
-- @return The destination table
function table.copy(s, d)
  assert(s, "table is nil")
  assert(s ~= d, "source and destination tables must be different")
  d = d or {}
  for k, v in pairs(s) do
    if type(v) == "table" then
      if d[k] == nil then
        d[k] = {}
      table.copy(v, d[k])
      d[k] = v
  return d
Slightly different from Davisdude's example, since it does not overwrite the "current" reference:

Code: Select all

default = { 1, 2, 3 }
current = {}

function restartgame()
  table.copy(default, current)
I have a generic "replace" function for tables that you might find useful:

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--- Replaces the existing values in a table
--- Optionally, converts the source values to match the destination types
-- @param s Source table
-- @param d Destination table
-- @param m Convert source values to destination types (optional)
-- @return The number of replaced values
local function toboolean(v)
  if v == 'true' then
    return true
  elseif v == 'false' then
    return false
function table.replace(s, d, m)
  assert(s, "source table is nil")
  assert(d, "destination table is nil")
  assert(s ~= d, "source and destination tables must be different")
  local n = 0
  -- iterate destination table
  for k, dv in pairs(d) do
    local sv = s[k]
    local dt = type(dv)
    local st = type(sv)
    if st == "table" and dt == "table" then
      -- recursive
      n = n + table.replace(sv, dv, m)
      -- convert source value to destination type
      if m == true and dt ~= st then
        if dt == 'boolean' then
          sv = toboolean(sv)
        elseif dt == 'number' then
          sv = tonumber(sv)
        elseif dt == 'string' then
          sv = tostring(sv)
          sv = nil
      -- replace destination value
      if sv ~= nil and dv ~= sv then
        d[k] = sv
        n = n + 1
  return n
It works similar to "table.copy" but it only overwrites existing values so:

Code: Select all

default = { 1, 2, 3 }

current = {}
table.replace(default, current) -- does nothing since the destination table has no values that can be replaced
current = { 4, 5, 6 }
table.replace(default, current) -- replaces "4, 5, 6" with "1, 2, 3"
If your "player" table includes functions then why not:

Code: Select all

local player = {}
local playermt = { __index = player }

function player:create()
  local self = {}
  setmetatable(self, playermt)
  return self

function player:reset()
  self.x = 10
  self.y = 636
  self.width = 80
  self.height = 80
  -- etc
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Re: Resetting a table back to it's original values

Post by Robin »

Note that ivan's copy functions crash if you pass a table with cycles.

Now, what you probably want is none of this, but just a reset function:

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player = {}

function player.Reset()
   player.x = 10
   player.y = 636
   player.width = 80
   player.height = 80
   player.speed = 300
   player.xVel = 0
   player.yVel = 0
   player.jumpVel = -800
   player.score = 0
   player.lives = 3
   player.state = "stand"

Then you can simply call player.Reset().
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Re: Resetting a table back to it's original values

Post by rmcode »

I also prefer Robin's method. It's simple and it works. You could store the default values in "constants" at the top of your class. That way you only have to change them in one place later on.

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local HEALTH = 300;
local PLAYER_X = 10;
local PLAYER_Y = 636;

player = {
   x = PLAYER_X,
   y = PLAYER_Y,

function player.reset()
     player.x = PLAYER_X;
     player.y = PlAYER_Y;
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Re: Resetting a table back to it's original values

Post by kotwarrior »

You could also try and set the original table as a metatable of the given table, just cache it using this function:

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local cache = function(tab)
local extra = tab;
setmetatable(tab, extra);
and retrieve it using this one:

Code: Select all

local retrieve = function(tab)
return getmetatable(tab);
To access these functions, you can use:

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local item = {"plr"; "important data";};
local item = {};
-- to retrieve
local item = retrieve(item);
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Re: Resetting a table back to it's original values

Post by Robin »

That... doesn't work. Like, at all.
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Re: Resetting a table back to it's original values

Post by kikito »

I need to point out that you actually don't need to reset the table to its original values. Like, at all. Just return a new table and override the old one.

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local player
function newPlayer()
  return {
    x = 10,
    y = 636,
    width = 80,
    state = "stand"
Every time you need to "reset" the player you can do this:

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player = newPlayer()
Coding this way (creating new values instead of reusing existing ones) has less problems than what you are doing - for example, it's much more difficult to "forget resetting one value". It's also not possible to "get old values from the previous game" if you destroy and recreate everything.
When I write def I mean function.
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Re: Resetting a table back to it's original values

Post by Clouds »

kikito wrote:I need to point out that you actually don't need to reset the table to its original values. Like, at all. Just return a new table and override the old one.
Coding this way (creating new values instead of reusing existing ones) has less problems than what you are doing - for example, it's much more difficult to "forget resetting one value". It's also not possible to "get old values from the previous game" if you destroy and recreate everything.
Maybe it's good practice anyway, but if you do this, you have to also code the rest of your program to never ever set another variable to point to the table in question (unless it's always re-set before use). A new table, being a new object, won't update old references to the original table.
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Re: Resetting a table back to it's original values

Post by kikito »

Clouds wrote:Maybe it's good practice anyway, but if you do this, you have to also code the rest of your program to never ever set another variable to point to the table in question (unless it's always re-set before use). A new table, being a new object, won't update old references to the original table.
No, you can have references to variables. It's just that your code needs to (re)assigns them when they need to be "reset". I think this is a good practice.
When I write def I mean function.
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