Taking a lot of inspiration from this thread, I refactored and documented the mjpeg library into a module.
There is also a handy dandy bash script that takes most of the hassle out of making the target videos.

GITHUB: https://github.com/josefnpat/LoveVideo
DEMO: ... -demo.love
- Big Buck Bunny Tailer (360x200 @ 92% JPG Quality)
- Sintel Trailer (214x120 @ 92% JPG Quality)
- Starfire Lords: Genesis Intro (640x360 @ 92% JPG Quality)
Much löve to all you devs who made this possible.
Please direct bugs, patches and feature requests here: https://github.com/josefnpat/LoveVideo/issues
- Supports PNG/JPG and now DDS!
- Full OOP
- Love like API for easy implementation;
Code: Select all
LoveVideo = require "LoveVideo.lovevideo" bunny = LoveVideo.newVideo("big_buck_bunny") function love.draw() bunny:draw(0,0, love.graphics.getWidth()/bunny:getWidth(), -- x scale love.graphics.getHeight()/bunny:getHeight() -- y scale ) end function love.update(dt) bunny:update(dt) end
- Inline LDOC documentation for easy usage and generation.
- Convert tool for generating the target video (love-video) from any video type supported by avconv
- Sample Generation tool for generating a sample with the previously mentioned convert tool.
- Back-end threading to attain awesome framerate performance (like love-mjpeg!)
- Aggressive caching to reduce overhead by about 100%.