Today I published my first intro in Lua using Love2D under the alias Faun. Working in Lua and with Love2D is very straight forward and consumes less time, so I wanted to see if I could do it this weekend (within 48 hours) and here is the result:
And of course the intro is available as standalone on Pouet:
Check it out and comment or whatever you like! Enjoy.
Faunsome! Intro
Re: Faunsome! Intro
Error boot.lua 332: Could not set window mode
changed this line
to this
Its important to keep within a standardized dimensions
Also I couldn't run it as an exe so i just extracted the contents and ran it as i would any other love file.
changed this line
Code: Select all
t.window.width = 1366
Code: Select all
t.window.width = 1024
Also I couldn't run it as an exe so i just extracted the contents and ran it as i would any other love file.
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