[LD30] Annex Kharon

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[LD30] Annex Kharon

Post by headchant »

Hey Löve Community!

I made a game for Ludum Dare 30 I thought you might enjoy. It is called Annex Kharon and it is something like a broughlike game.

The story:
The Annex Kharon got lost in the STYX-Sector. The guanxi teleportal network is our only hope to gain resources and new tech. Survive long enough to find a way home through one of these wormholes.

Look at the highscores online: http://headchant.com/annex/

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Re: [LD30] Annex Kharon

Post by Jasoco »

Pretty cool.

One piece of criticism though. Why allow the player to skip the opening dialog if it's just going to force them to wait for the audio voiceover to finish? Skipping means skip. Either make the player read the text along with the audio with no ability to skip it or let them skip it altogether. (Choose the second option. Unskippable cutscenes are the worst. lol)
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Re: [LD30] Annex Kharon

Post by headchant »

You are right, that is a little confusing. I don't know about skipping cutscenes/intro. In general I also like to skip intros, but this one isn't very long and as a developer I want to bring my story across. But yeah, you are probably right.
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