[SOLVED]Conf.lua being ignored even with "required"

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Solid Snayke
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Re: Conf.lua being ignored even with "required"

Post by slime »

There are some problems with your love.conf function which prevents LÖVE from executing it.

The first issue is that it has a bunch of lines like "t.module.joystick = true", but the table you want is 't.modules' rather than 't.module' - the latter doesn't exist. Those lines would cause a Lua error since the table doesn't exist, so the function isn't executed fully.

The second issue is that it has some lines like "t.screen.fullscreen = false". The 't.screen' table was replaced by 't.window' in the update from LÖVE 0.8.0 to 0.9.0, so it will cause a similar problem as above since t.screen doesn't exist.

I recommend basing your love.conf off of the default values in the wiki page. It'll be harder to run into problems like those, as long as you use code that matches the version of LÖVE you intend to use.
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Re: Conf.lua being ignored even with "required"

Post by Vallar »

Oh, I see what you mean now.

Thank you very much :) that worked finally. ^_^
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