TheDarkness - [prebuild15]

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TheDarkness - [prebuild15]

Post by ArchAngel075 »

Greetings :

Just decided i'd post this here as part of my push to a first releasable demo in the coming month or so :

I bring you TheDarkness (working name, subject to change)
GitHubblyBubbly :
(first time using github, not all files and such are commited as of yet)

YOUfeedbackTube :

Please feedback on the concept/idea and even provide your own!

Note that my push is slow thanks to matric(last year highschool aka) and such dont expect rapid updates. BUT i do try to do something small per day, yet updates will be weekly at best.
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Re: TheDarkness - [prebuild15]

Post by ArchAngel075 »

Non saved update : Whats happening with build 15 officially...

So after some struggle and debate I've decided to backburn the original intentions of build 15 (Voids and their AI) in order to add some themed HUD elements to the player to display hotbar and other goodies. The aim of build 15 is also the graphical change of Zeds who were using the players image in their models (though they now use a particle system, the change is already in effect in prebuild15)

Secondly if you are keen on following this game/project then head over to the github and checkout the readme, a new Sanity system has been planned, with this new Sanity system the end game and goals of the game are set along with a background-story of sorts developing.

What else i have added to build pre15 :

1. Added a FakeClient server side, using it i can mess with details requiring renderdata of clients (if a specific tile is lit up enough or up to a certain value)
2. Touched up Authentication to now deny logging in with accounts already logged in.
3. Changed the pop-up box to limit message dropping time to maximum 8seconds
4. Increased max size of pop-up box slightly
5. Removed some unneeded code in Zeds (related to rendering animations)
6. Increased players FoV slightly by around 10degrees, the previous FoV felt far too small.
7. added a neat pulsating effect to the default pointlight, giving it a living flame or flickering lightbulb effect.
8. increased loss rate for players torch from 0.001 to 0.005
9. decreased torch walk gain from 0.005 to 0.0049
10. game design change (seen in 8 and 9) where torches will now allways have some loss, since it felt like walking to recharge made the players personal charge almost never deplete.
11. other small code tweaks im forgetting...

Push any queries here or onto the github project, im happy to answer...

now to sleep damnit...
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