(image links lead to animated gifs (made with LICEcap, so they are somewhat huge))
The finished one (a just-for-fun thing, so i could resurrect the ANALog ClOCK thread)

Bomberman! (with multiplayer later)
Implemented menu structure, a few of the menu points, character customizing.

A bullet-hell-shooter framework/engine thing, this too hopefully supporting multiplayer later... at least on a basic level
Implemented layers, per-layer motion blur and time dilation; a few object types and their behaviour.

And lastly, just because i want to test out lua-ENet first, a program like the website yourworldoftext.com, (realtime collaborative text editor) but with the ability of everyone to write "over" (z-ordered by time) other's characters at any cell on the screen (hence no need for locking any cell), so i can implement a few net-related ideas i got from the fast-paced multiplayer entry here