What's everyone working on? (tigsource inspired)

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Re: What's everyone working on? (tigsource inspired)

Post by zorg »

Working on 3 things simultaneously, and one is finished. (i never start small :c)
(image links lead to animated gifs (made with LICEcap, so they are somewhat huge))

The finished one (a just-for-fun thing, so i could resurrect the ANALog ClOCK thread)

Bomberman! (with multiplayer later)
Implemented menu structure, a few of the menu points, character customizing.

A bullet-hell-shooter framework/engine thing, this too hopefully supporting multiplayer later... at least on a basic level
Implemented layers, per-layer motion blur and time dilation; a few object types and their behaviour.

And lastly, just because i want to test out lua-ENet first, a program like the website yourworldoftext.com, (realtime collaborative text editor) but with the ability of everyone to write "over" (z-ordered by time) other's characters at any cell on the screen (hence no need for locking any cell), so i can implement a few net-related ideas i got from the fast-paced multiplayer entry here
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Re: What's everyone working on? (tigsource inspired)

Post by Ranguna259 »

Motion blur you say.. How are you doing this ?
I've always been interested in this perticular shader, I tried coding it once but I never got the expected result
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Re: What's everyone working on? (tigsource inspired)

Post by zorg »

Ranguna259 wrote:Motion blur you say.. How are you doing this ?
I've always been interested in this perticular shader, I tried coding it once but I never got the expected result
Actually, i used blendmodes and canvases instead of shaders... though it depended on some shotgun programming for me to get it to work; anyway, let's say you have two canvases, here's the love.draw() function:

Code: Select all

function love.draw()

	-- Shade the primary canvas if motion blur is active
	if motionBlur.frames > 0 then
		love.graphics.rectangle('fill', 0, 0, primary:getDimensions())

	-- set back defaults

	-- render to the secondary canvas

	-- render secondary canvas to primary with the chosen blendmode
	love.graphics.draw(secondary, 0, 0)

	-- then render the primary to the screen
	love.graphics.draw(primary, framework.playfield.position.x, framework.playfield.position.y)

(Yes, this is a very hack-ish implementation, and it doesn't really "blur" anything, just draws trails)
Depending on what you set motionBlur.intensity to, there will be an afterimage after the things you draw for a given amount of frames.
Now, a few caveats are that (1-motionBlur.intensity)*255 isn't really a linear effect in that e.g. the alpha value ending up as 128 isn't "half" the duration for how long the trail will last if you had set it to result in 64 (not to mention that intensity values of 0 will give infinite motion blur, and 1 will "deactivate" it), and that this might not be what you're after. Still, i'd like to think it's a pretty neat implementation without shaders involved :3
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Re: What's everyone working on? (tigsource inspired)

Post by Ranguna259 »

interesting, I'll try this later, thanks :)
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Re: What's everyone working on? (tigsource inspired)

Post by Jasoco »

davisdude wrote:Nice looking stuff.
You might have already thought about this and don't want to do it, but have you though about putting "x NUMBER" next to the item instead of having all the items? I think this would make it more clean looking, and easier to navigate if you have a lot of items.
It's based on Dragon Quest VIII's item system. Which means, party members have a limited inventory. In this case, 12 items maximum. That leaves plenty of room for the 5 equippable items and 7 others. Then they also have a Bag, which can hold infinite items.

The party inventories are straight lists of items. But the Bag inventory is a list with items by name and how many you have. So you can hold as many of every single item in the game that you want. It's laid out exactly like you posted. (I just haven't coded the Bag's display frontend yet. I'll also need to work on a sorting system. I don't know if table.sort can sort alphabetically. Plus it doesn't work on tables with named indexes. Only numbered ones. So I need to tweak it slightly.)
davisdude wrote:I like the graphics! :)
Thanks! It's mostly just shapes. But the pixel look of it is my favorite..

Funny thing is I haven't even done a single line of code for the actual game yet. I've been concentrating on the two parts of an RPG that are the hardest to do. The two I haven't tackled yet. Battles and Inventory Management. The game world itself will come later. I've coded plenty of those and know how to do them. I just needed to make sure I could handle an inventory screen that felt like a real inventory screen. (Thanks to a special Game State Stack Manager I coded myself, it's super easy too.)
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Re: What's everyone working on? (tigsource inspired)

Post by davisdude »

Ah, I see. Well, for table.sort, you could do string.byte and then sort the items that way.
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Re: What's everyone working on? (tigsource inspired)

Post by murks »

I just sketched the first concept art for my second game, the first one I'll do on my own.
Working title: "Eeyore's Dreamland"
Since it is only loosely based on the Eeyore by A. A. Milne and Ernest H. Shepard, do you think there could be copyright issues?
Basically only the name is the same, and he's also a donkey. However, his character is completely different and can be described as egomanical (think cat) with an unsatiable hunger for chocolate (that's why it is raining chocolate in the image).

It's going to be a very simple game concept but I have some funky ideas. I want to keep the style of very rough gradients. Is there an easy way to draw this directly in Löve or is it easier to just draw the shapes and import them? As you can see, I'm not a graphics guy, but I plan to draw everything my self.
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Re: What's everyone working on? (tigsource inspired)

Post by MadByte »

Here is another graphics concept of mine.


Everyone know this game I guess, hopefully I find some more time later to remake this fantastic arcade classic! :neko: :neko:
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Re: What's everyone working on? (tigsource inspired)

Post by bartbes »

Jasoco wrote:I don't know if table.sort can sort alphabetically.

Code: Select all

> print("abcdefg" < "b")
(So yes.)
Jasoco wrote: Plus it doesn't work on tables with named indexes. Only numbered ones.
Since such a table has no defined order, sorted has no meaning.
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Re: What's everyone working on? (tigsource inspired)

Post by Jasoco »

bartbes wrote:
Jasoco wrote:I don't know if table.sort can sort alphabetically.

Code: Select all

> print("abcdefg" < "b")
(So yes.)
Jasoco wrote: Plus it doesn't work on tables with named indexes. Only numbered ones.
Since such a table has no defined order, sorted has no meaning.
Yeah. Obviously. I'll have to reconfigure my "bag" to be numbered instead of by item name index. Since I'm going to want a few sorting options like DQVIII has. (Alphabetically and by type)
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