So I sat down in my noisy grandmother's house, and I attempted at something like it. I started working on Mist on Wednesday, May 28... 3 day before it's reveal. For three days of work it's pretty well polished! I also created a library to aid in booting Love2D games inside an already running Love2D instance, called libgameload. Anyways, here is a screenshot (a crappy one).
Here is the repo that contains Mist
(Also, for the people who lack mice, heres some keyboard keys to navigate Mist:)
In the Main Menu:
- Enter: Open the game
- S: Open the store
- D: Delete the game (but not the save files)
- Escape: Exit the store
- Space: Download the selected game
- Any way to quit the game (Includes menu options, keys, and the close button): Exit the game and return to the menu