[LD29] Mole Empire (0.3.0)

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[LD29] Mole Empire (0.3.0)

Post by PriorBlue »

I created a ARPG for the 48h Ludum Dare Solo Jam.

You are playing a mole, who can fight other creatures (most of the time other moles ^^) and can become stronger by finding power ups and loot.

Link: http://www.ludumdare.com/compo/ludum-da ... &uid=35550
Source: https://github.com/PriorBlue/LD29-Mole-Empire
Latest Version: http://onepixelahead.de/mole_empire_0.3.0.love

The ingame editor (new items and enemies can also be created via “.ini”-files.):

I worked alone on this game and my sleeping time was around 6h or so :D.

Technical features:
I implemented a tile-shader engine, which can show up to 4096×4096 tiles in realtime (zoom don’t effect performance). I also combined this shader with an 2d light raytracer to cast pixel shadows.

Have fun!
Last edited by PriorBlue on Wed Apr 30, 2014 10:30 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: [LD29] Mole Empire

Post by zwzsg »

I downloaded http://onepixelahead.de/mole_empire_0.1.0.zip and got: Not a valid Win32 application. I guess it's Win64? Well, thanksfully since I'm here I know enough about Löve to to extract the data from the exe and run it with Löve 0.9.1. Also, for a release, disabling console would be nicer.

But then there was WASD control! Arrows ignored, no remapping possible. This make playing difficult on my AZERTY keyboard. Well... since I already unzipped, I guess I can edit the source to add arrows keys.

I wish for resizable of full screen window. The game is dark, so it's hard to play in a tiny window when my other windows in the background are bright.

In narrow passages, you have to be placed perfectly or you can't pass. Would be nice if the game gently pushed me to the right position.

I don't know if you have them too on your system, but there's some tearing in the shadow system.

I went as far as the spiders (that kill me before I do) but haven't found anything to interact with.

But notwithstanding all my remarks being negative, I'm impressed. I still have a long way to go to manage to make such a nice and polished thing in 48hr.
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Re: [LD29] Mole Empire

Post by Jasoco »

I can't play this with WSAD. I need arrows.

I am very interested in the map generation though. But I can't make hide nor tails of your code.
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Re: [LD29] Mole Empire

Post by zwzsg »

Jasoco wrote:I can't play this with WSAD. I need arrows.
  • Get mole_empire_0.1.0.zip, unzip
  • Unzip the file mole_empire_0.1.0.exe
  • Open \lib\player.lua in your favorite text editor
  • Modify lines 72, 77, 84, 89 as follow (adding the or love.keyboard.isDown(...)) each time:

    Code: Select all

    			if love.keyboard.isDown("w") or love.keyboard.isDown("up") and o.parent.layer[2].getTile(tx, ty - 0.5) == 0 then
    				o.y = o.y - dt * o.speed
    				o.directionAnimation = 0
    				o.moving = true
    				o.direction = math.pi
    			elseif love.keyboard.isDown("s") or love.keyboard.isDown("down") and o.parent.layer[2].getTile(tx, ty + 0.5) == 0 then
    				o.y = o.y + dt * o.speed
    				o.directionAnimation = 1
    				o.moving = true
    				o.direction = math.pi * 2
    			if love.keyboard.isDown("a") or love.keyboard.isDown("left") and o.parent.layer[2].getTile(tx - 0.25, ty) == 0 then
    				o.x = o.x - dt * o.speed
    				o.directionAnimation = 2
    				o.moving = true
    				o.direction = math.pi * 1.5
    			elseif love.keyboard.isDown("d") or love.keyboard.isDown("right") and o.parent.layer[2].getTile(tx + 0.25, ty) == 0 then
    				o.x = o.x + dt * o.speed
    				o.directionAnimation = 3
    				o.moving = true
    				o.direction = math.pi * 0.5
  • Rezip as MoleEmpire.Iove
  • Feed it to a fresh Löve 0.9.1 engine.
I would post the modified .love I made, but I am not sure how PriorBlue would feel if uploaded modified versions of his game.
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Re: [LD29] Mole Empire

Post by Jasoco »

I just tried the level editor. So I assume it's not generated? I thought it was a neat new random level generation algorithm.
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Re: [LD29] Mole Empire

Post by PriorBlue »

I added a 32bit Version, i hope this works for you. -> http://onepixelahead.de/mole_empire_0.1.0_32bit.zip

The game is far away from being finished, i just added all necessary stuff in the last hours of the competition, because i lost to much time on the shadow engine.

Oh and the difficulty is random hard, that means i haven't it balanced yet. But i have "finished" it my self, maybe i was lucky. :D

And yes the maps are all hand drawn, because in the first hour i planed some kind of story and i created a slim map editor, maybe i will include a generator later.
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Re: [LD29] Mole Empire

Post by Jasoco »

If you could come up with a generator that looks really nice I'd love to see it. I've been playing with random level generation myself using the Cellular Automata Method with some changes. I don't even know what the game is going to be though. I just find it intriguing.
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Re: [LD29] Mole Empire

Post by PriorBlue »

Jasoco wrote:If you could come up with a generator that looks really nice I'd love to see it. I've been playing with random level generation myself using the Cellular Automata Method with some changes. I don't even know what the game is going to be though. I just find it intriguing.
Wow thanks, i didn't know, that you can use this method for map generation, too. I just used this algorithm a while ago for a sprite generator :D.

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Re: [LD29] Mole Empire

Post by Jasoco »

PriorBlue wrote:
Jasoco wrote:If you could come up with a generator that looks really nice I'd love to see it. I've been playing with random level generation myself using the Cellular Automata Method with some changes. I don't even know what the game is going to be though. I just find it intriguing.
Wow thanks, i didn't know, that you can use this method for map generation, too. I just used this algorithm a while ago for a sprite generator :D.

http://www.onepixelahead.de/sprite_gene ... reen01.png
Those look pretty cool for randomly generated sprites. I'm impressed. What game did you use these in if any?

If you're curious, this is what I've been able to do so far for random level generation:
Just trying to figure out whether I should try and connect disconnected sections (Which seems to be proving difficult) or just discard all but the largest connected lump of the map. I do run some post processing to connect lumps that are one block apart, but it's so much harder to do the further ones. Also I'll draw random solid lines on the randomized grid before performing the erosion loop to make sure it's not just one big area. (Which is why you see perfectly straight cuts between some areas. This is completely optional. Anything you fill in beforehand will help shape the final map.)

I'll figure it out. Then I'll do something with this. Something. Possibly.
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Re: [LD29] Mole Empire (0.3.0)

Post by PriorBlue »

Your map is a great inspiration and the trick to separate the dungeons is really nice. I imagine to generate random areas, where you can find a generated key to another area :).

Sprite generator:
I don't use this tool at the moment, but maybe for a future game jam, maybe i should post this to the LD community :)

Here a few screenshots to the editor and the love2d file, if you want to try it:

Standard generation:
Gameboy colors:
Simple Sprite Generator
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