box2d playground

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box2d playground

Post by player_258 »


i made a box2d playground a while back but eventually got bored and it sat on my hard drive for a year or something.
the export function will write a .lua in "AppData\Roaming\LOVE\box2d_editor"

buttons are not labeled (too lazy) so this is what they do:

Code: Select all



 -Show/hide grid
 -Smaller grid
 -Bigger grid
 -Disable snap


Code: Select all

 -T: enable/disable test mode
 -del: delete shape selected
 -left mouse button: drag shapes around in test mode
 -middle mouse button: move camera
 -right mouse button: place last vertex in polygons and chainshapes
pic1.png (38.63 KiB) Viewed 2431 times
pic3.png (36.86 KiB) Viewed 2431 times
feel free to do whatever you want with it :awesome:
(11.04 KiB) Downloaded 236 times
sorry if i make any english mistake, not my native language
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hairy puppy
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Re: box2d playground

Post by hairy puppy »

thats very nice, its just lovely to see physics at work ;)
i just gotten to box2d for love2d, ive used ofxbox2d with openframeworks for a while so it should be easy to convert the ideas over
lewis lepton
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