I assume you don't want the trail to "turn" with the ship (i.e. when the ship turns then the trail should describe a curve and not spin around with the ship - the latter can also look good if the ship is moving fast enough, but is trivial to program - just attach a static sprite, maybe variate the alpha/color a bit and make it follow the ship).
I think it might look better with streched particles, i.e. particles which are longer than they are wide.
But I've never used particles in Löve...
Another way might be meshes - seting up a static trail should not be hard: create a new mesh, use an image which is 1 pixel wide and about 20 pixels high, with a gradient fading from transparent to bright white and back to transparent. Make sure the image's mode is set to "repeating".
Then create 4 vertecies for each "segment", create multiple segments after each other (going to the side, in the direction where the image is just 1 pixel wide). Make sure to re-use the same texture coordinates (the corners of the image) for each segment, but different screen coordinates.
Make sure to set blend mode to additive.
Moving this thing (using the second method) could however be dificult...
Come to think of it, I think I'll try programming this... I'll let you know if I can get it to work.
Davidobot wrote:
Give him/her a break, his/her last post was nearly 3.5 years ago.
Yeah you're right, sorry about that.. and back on topic
Germanunkol if you are good with shaders then you could also add a glow effect where the mesh/particles starts, an oval object that fades it's color from the center to the edges maybe ?
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Here is my take on that particle effect. I am using two particle systems, one in the background for the smoke like effect, then another on top for the flames. Feel free to do whatever you want with the script or the images.