Me and my friends have been coding a game similar to the Atari game asteroids and I was having a bit of trouble spawning enemies (squares) on a time delay.
I have this much so far can any one help me along?
function love.load()
enemy = {x = 300, y = 300, angle = 0,speed = 50}
timer = 1
function newDirection()
-- This line allows arbitrary angles
-- enemy.angle = love.math.random()*2*math.pi
-- This line only allows up,down,left,right
enemy.angle = love.math.random(0,3)*0.5*math.pi
timer = 1
function moveenemy(dt)
enemy.x = enemy.x + math.cos(enemy.angle)*enemy.speed*dt
enemy.y = enemy.y + math.sin(enemy.angle)*enemy.speed*dt
function love.update(dt)
timer = timer - dt
if timer < 0 then
Enemy spawnage
Re: Enemy spawnage
Your main problem seems to be that you only have 1 enemy. You have to maintain a table full of enemies and then insert new ones into it, if you want to have multiple at the same time.
Also use [ code] blocks around code, that helps with the formatting
Note that if you have a draw function you'll have to update that one to call each enemy's draw function in turn as well.
Also use [ code] blocks around code, that helps with the formatting
Code: Select all
function love.load()
enemies = { {x = 300, y = 300, angle = 0,speed = 50} } -- make a table to contain a list of enemies, and insert the first one
timer = 1
-- pass the enemy to move into the function so that it moves the correct one
function moveenemy( enemy, dt )
enemy.x = enemy.x + math.cos(enemy.angle)*enemy.speed*dt
enemy.y = enemy.y + math.sin(enemy.angle)*enemy.speed*dt
function love.update(dt)
timer = timer - dt
if timer < 0 then
timer = 1 -- reset the timer so it can continue to keep spawning. keep in mind that one per second is a lot!
for k, enemy in ipairs( enemies ) do
moveenemy(enemy, dt)
function newEnemy()
table.insert( enemies, {x = 300, y = 300, angle = 0,speed = 50} ) -- this makes them spawn on the same location, so you'll want to update this later
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