Battle Dyzx

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Battle Dyzx

Post by Izzo »


I've been working on a spinning tops action/fighting game (think about Beyblade) and decided to share it. Obviously it's a work in progress and will take some time before it is anything near complete, but showcasing it now is as good as ever. All suggestions and comments are welcome, especially the constructive ones.

  • W,A,S,D to or hold the left mouse button control your top (or dyzk). You might find it a little hard to distinguish which one is which (sorry), but the player controlled one usually starts top-left on the arena
  • J,K,L and U are experimental "special abilities" ( but if you want to be fair to the bots you shouldn't use them, the bots are quite dumb ^_^ )
You'll notice that the main menu options "Collection" and "meh" don't do anything... they are just there.
Also the sound effect is very annoying, I'm really sorry about that.

The source is available at BitBucket, but there is no public license yet. I'm considering open-sourcing the project (anyways, if you like a script or two just ask me).
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Re: Battle Dyzx

Post by Jeeper »

First of all, very nice menu!

I did indeed find it difficult to understand who I was. The sound is absolute ear-rape btw. Apart from that the game has a very cool "3d" feel to it.

It has a lot of potential, well done!
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Re: Battle Dyzx

Post by Draetheus »

Looks really cool! Reminds me of Osmos actually, which is a good thing. I have my speakers off so I can't comment on the sound, but yes there should be a clearer indication of who the player is since it seems to be random. This is just personal opinion but I think the crayon background of the arena would be better replaced by something more futuristic looking.
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Re: Battle Dyzx

Post by Izzo »

Thank you very much for the comments :)
Draetheus wrote:I have my speakers off so I can't comment on the sound
That's a good thing because
Jeeper wrote:The sound is absolute ear-rape
...I did indeed find it difficult to understand who I was...
...there should be a clearer indication of who the player is since it seems to be random...
Yes. Usability is terrible at the moment, not only you don't get to chose what you want to play with, but you're also not told what the game has chosen for you. I've been concentrating more on the back-end side of things and have neglected (or rather postponed) the appearance of the game. Normally I would have waited at least another month before releasing, but I had to do a quick and dirty premature release (to show potential employers what an awesome Lua programmer I am). The next release will feature much more HUD and GUI and much less high pitched noises, I promise.
Draetheus wrote:Reminds me of Osmos actually, which is a good thing.
Thanks, I never thought of it that way. This gives me a whole new aspect to explore :)
Draetheus wrote:This is just personal opinion but I think the crayon background of the arena would be better replaced by something more futuristic looking.
This opinion is actually spot on. The arena background is the one piece of art I'll be happy to throw out. Ultimately I'll be going for futuristic and at the same time ghetto look (that was supposed to be graffiti at the back, but meh...). I not entirely sure the two styles will blend together; I guess we're going to find out.

I am currently working on a LoveFrames branch and trying to make it do what I want (fluid layout, joystic/keyboard navigation, better support for custom skins). Once that is out of the way I will go back to fixing the GUI in Battle Dyzx.
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Re: Battle Dyzx

Post by ArchAngel075 »

Wow, nice work indeed!
I was surprised when I saw the 3D effect you had on those domes/bolts(?)

Definitely a futuristic-ghetto look would work (for some reason Akira pops into my mind?)

Keep at it!
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Re: Battle Dyzx

Post by clofresh »

I dig the top-like feel of the controls. The battling tops thing reminds me of Spinjas from when I was a kid

Might be worth experimenting with having a smaller around and making the object to knock the other tops out of it, instead of doing a life-based battle.
Sluicer Games
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