a virus of unknown origin has infected the networks that facilitate free exchange of information, threatening total memory corruption. recently retrieved by members of the scene, the only hope lies in a heavily encrypted corporate anti-virus program
cyberdekay is a cyberpunk roguelike set in the core memory of a hacker data haven. link programs, files, and memory into processes that manipulate the fabric of cyberspace. protect the anti-virus until you can fully decrypt it and eradicate the dolphin virus
if the anti-virus is corrupted, you lose. if you catch yourself in a memory write, you lose. if you trap yourself in a closed path, enjoy an eternity in cyberspace
I love the art style, but I really have no idea what I'm supposed to be doing or how to play. The Hints and Readme didn't really help... I' tried linking things but I can't seem to make anything happen.
I also love the artstyle .
The game is a little hard to understand, but it's funny.
The explanations are little cryptic , what I understand :
program/memory slot with a lock is encrypted and the number is the number of layer. Decrypt program (only one use, else too easy I suppose) remove one layer
you link node in the order : input node (if any) / program / output node
demo program is deactived after a use, they can be reactived with a RESET.EXE program
A problem is the Query command when you haven't a QWERTY keyboard. I need to patch to work with my exotic keyboard.
Perhaps use a simple key, or the unicode callback love.textinput
I miss an explanation of what each type of node is; I don't feel like trying every possible coupling just to learn that - most couplings do nothing, and learning this way is boring.
i REALLY need to work on the accessibility of the game, even for a roguelike it's obtuse - on top of that my outright explanations in the readme and hints were poorly worded. will post an update later!