save game with tserial?

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save game with tserial?

Post by pielago »

i tried a few ways to save my tables but when it comes to do it....
it fails i don't know why?
now tserial is it a good way to save tables? is that the right way or is there a super easier way??
can anyone point to me which direction to take if there is a better way and easy???
i am trying to make like a zelda game so ill need to save a lot of tables...

p.s how does Tserial work? i don't get wiki any examples?
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Re: save game with tserial?

Post by micha »

Saving and loading has two possible difficulties.
1) The technical one. You need to write some code that writes something to the hard drive and reads it later. There are two approaches for that. Either, save the data in Lua-language. Then writing it will be a bit difficult, but reading it is very simple, just a matter of one line. Or you save the data in a format that you make up yourself. That would probably a text-file, with your data included. In the first case, serialization is the way, to go. I do not have any experience with tserial, but that potentially does the trick.

2) The information management. Conceptually you have to think about, what data needs to be stored to fully recover the game state. Is it enough to only store one number (the level) or do you need to store all the character values, positions of enemies, etc..
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Re: save game with tserial?

Post by Robin »

pielago wrote:now tserial is it a good way to save tables? is that the right way or is there a super easier way??
Tserial has a number of problems (I've gone into detail on this elsewhere on the forums) which is why I don't recommend it. Instead, you could use something like Ser. If you download it, and put ser.lua next to your main.lua, you can put this at the top of your main.lua (or where-ever you want to put your saving code):

Code: Select all

local serialize = require 'ser'
and where you save, put something like:

Code: Select all

love.filesystem.write('nameofsavegame', serialize(gamedata))
where gamedata is the name of the table you have all the data that needs to be saved. The loading code would then be:

Code: Select all

gamedata = love.filesystem.load('nameofsavegame')()
Since you have a lot of tables, I suggest you do something like:

Code: Select all

love.filesystem.write('nameofsavegame', serialize({player, someothertable}))

Code: Select all

player, someothertable = unpack(love.filesystem.load('nameofsavegame')())
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Re: save game with tserial?

Post by pielago »

that's one of the tables to save from many so...

Code: Select all

like this???

Code: Select all

love.filesystem.write('scores', serialize(player))
--and to load like this?

Code: Select all

player = love.filesystem.load('score','player')()
or am i super confuse?
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