Your most annoying character death in a game? !

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Your most annoying character death in a game? !

Post by MadByte »

Hey :)

(as always, sorry for my poor english skills :p )
I just'd seen a video of a game I played a lot back in the days on the old Amiga A1200 called "Cannon Fodder". In this game you have to command some tiny soldiers with unique names on the battlfield and keep them alive. If all soldiers die in a round, the mission is lost and they get mentioned name by name on a extra "lost in service" screen. Also each named soldier gets his own grave on the mainmenu of the game and will never be back in the game (thats important :D). So it is basically kinda possible to finish the game with the first couple of soldiers you get without anyone die.

A video so you know what I'am talk about:
(btw. in my opinion the greated intro music ever made :D )

The first two character you'll get in this game are called Jools and Jops. So, now after solving some missions with these guys I really started to develop something like a mental relationship to them. I really wanted to keep them alive so I got more careful and kept them back while sending other soldiers into their death :D Everything worked fine (after some attempts). I got pretty far with them alive and as predictable it happened after a while. They died :*( I think I don't remember any sadder moment in my gamer time as the moment when the "lost in service" screen with this damn background music appeared :'D

So, do anyone of you guys have experienced a similar situation where u're maximum pissed when the game character dies? :D
Last edited by MadByte on Mon Mar 17, 2014 10:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Your most annoying character dead in a game? !

Post by Nixola »

I'd change "dead" to "death". This way it seems the character itself is annoying
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Re: Your most annoying character dead in a game? !

Post by MadByte »

Nixola wrote:I'd change "dead" to "death". This way it seems the character itself is annoying
:o :o whoops, thanks.
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Re: Your most annoying character death in a game? !

Post by Plu »

Not so much annoying as the most emotional character death I ever saw actually comes from a rather unexpected game.

I played Half-Life II and its follow-up episodes. They do a really good job of letting you emotionally connect with Alyx, the female kick-ass sidekick. I don't know how they pulled it off, but they did. And Alyx has a lot of health (or might even be immortal in the original game, I don't know) up to the point where you start to rely on her being tough enough to handle anything and be fine.

So the first time I heard her scream and then die at the hands of a bunch of headcrabzombies, that certainly made me feel like "oh shit, what have I done?". And the attachement only seemed to grow after that, for some reason. Really weird but one of the few times I really felt a bond with a video game character.
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Re: Your most annoying character death in a game? !

Post by kikito »

Oh, that's easy: Plotline deadths. Any of those makes me cringe.
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Re: Your most annoying character death in a game? !

Post by greentiger »

Dying in almost any variation of Ghosts & Goblins.
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Re: Your most annoying character death in a game? !

Post by Syca »

greentiger wrote:Dying in almost any variation of Ghosts & Goblins.
So basically just playing Ghosts & Goblins.

Can't think of a npc or character death, but in games with fall damage that's usually how I die. Makes it worse when I think "Theres a hole there don't fall into it" but do anyway.
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Re: Your most annoying character death in a game? !

Post by ejmr »

Pretty much every death in Angband, ever.
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Re: Your most annoying character death in a game? !

Post by Ranguna259 »

Have you guys heard of Flappy Bird ?
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Re: Your most annoying character death in a game? !

Post by ejmr »

Ranguna259 wrote:Have you guys heard of Flappy Bird ?
The title sounds vaguely familiar. Is it one of those popular indie games like Angered Birds, Mining-craft, the Banned Saga, et cetera?
ejmr :: Programming and Game-Dev Blog, GitHub
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