[NONLOVE] Chaoscraft - The 2D Sidescrolling Skilling MORPG

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Re: Chaoscraft - The 2D Sidescrolling Skilling MORPG

Post by CMFIend420 »

I'll admit to say that I did post this here for advertising purposes, I'm looking for my community to grow. I'm disappointed that the engine is Visual Basic 6 as well, in fact I'd love the engine to be in LUA. But sadly, for now it is not. Things are bound to change, I'm hoping honestly for Java, or C#, C, anything like that. It's a stepping stone.
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Re: Chaoscraft - The 2D Sidescrolling Skilling MORPG

Post by Karai17 »

"For now"? Why not change it to something that isn't stupid before you get any further? By the looks of your screen shots, LOVE would probably work great for your game. There is no reason to continue to use VB6 when you already have it in your head that you want to switch. Turning down potentially great programmers because of this is silly.

Stop doing everything you're doing, and do it again.
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Re: Chaoscraft - The 2D Sidescrolling Skilling MORPG

Post by CMFIend420 »

We are not very far, we are getting everything that we need together, as far as graphics, music, the whole works go, and then convert to a different engine. Maybe LUA, I've never touched LOVE, but if theres some programmers around here who could make it happen, I'd be more than happy. You can add me on Skype, CMFiend420.
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Re: Chaoscraft - The 2D Sidescrolling Skilling MORPG

Post by Karai17 »

That's the spirit, don't let VB stand in your way. :)

Also, it's "Lua", not "LUA".
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Re: Chaoscraft - The 2D Sidescrolling Skilling MORPG

Post by Jeeper »

Not mentioning this is made in crapBasic and openly admitting that it was all for marketing and intentionally withholding information should warrant this thread to be removed/locket and the person warned/banned. We don't want our forums to be infected with spam that is not in any way related.
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Re: Chaoscraft - The 2D Sidescrolling Skilling MORPG

Post by Daniel Eakins »

You don't even have a programmer? lol this project (yes, project, not game) is so dead. It will be canceled 6 months to a year from now, mark my words.

You do NOT need advertising, you need to learn programming and turn your project into a game yourself. No one's going to do it for you. Even if someone does, then it'll become their game, not yours. This is because programming is the literal act of turning ideas into something concrete. Begging people to make your game for you can only go so far. What you NEED is to have at least a working tech demo* coded by yourself to show, or else people will either 1/ not join your project, or 2/ join it, realize they're doing all the work for you, burn out and then leave a few months from now.

*or lots of money.
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Re: Chaoscraft - The 2D Sidescrolling Skilling MORPG

Post by Germanunkol »

I second what Daniel said. It's great to have a huge idea (I think we all started there), but being a game developer usually doesn't start there. When you're an indie, it usually starts with coding.

I really recommend learning Love and Lua. It's an incredibly powerful yet relative simple way to get started. There's loads of tutorials. It's also great for what you're trying to accomplish. You should start coding, do one or two very small projects (maybe a breakout clone to start with? You learn a lot doing those...) and then focus on learning multiplayer, if that is what you really want to do.
This community will help wherever it can.

With that said, the reason you're getting the reactions you're getting is that MMOs are generally incredibly hard to build. Here's a longer version of why (I really recommend to read it!):
http://love2d.org/forums/viewtopic.php? ... MO*#p84933
When you've learned the engine, you know how to handle collision/animation/saving/loading etc and you've learned about multiplayer and then still want to make the game, I'm sure you'll get lots of positive responses and feedback from this community!
But: Start small.
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Re: Chaoscraft - The 2D Sidescrolling Skilling MORPG

Post by CMFIend420 »

I've filtered basically all the comments made, as I already have this knowledge. I obviously would like to work in a different language other than VB6, and we are actually now being developed in java! So we'll be able to play the game within the web browser. We have a new forums (http://www.ccubed3.com/forums) so you can check us out there, and the posts about how the java conversion is coming ^.^
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Re: Chaoscraft - The 2D Sidescrolling Skilling MORPG

Post by 10$man »

Karai17 wrote: 2) Why the hell would you use VB6, a 16 year old dead language? That is quite possibly the worst decision you could have made. Even VB.NET would have been better, or Java, and those are not exactly well respected languages. This project is doomed to fail if you're going to pull such a silly move.
This bothers me :P
Of course, I don't know if this is the right place for this thread, but we don't have to make the guy feel like he isn't welcomed here.

As a side note, you may not like Java, but Java is widely used in Industry and is well liked. There's not many languages that are so simple to have System independent as Java. (Which is why I love Lua too)
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Re: Chaoscraft - The 2D Sidescrolling Skilling MORPG

Post by Azhukar »


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