Yes, You can publish your game using this. It is still in beta but if your game runs in it, then you can build your own stand-alone apk and publish it.Mermersk wrote:Hey all I was wondering. If I want to publish my game on android play store, Is that actually possible with this? Or is this really still at "just for fun" level but not actually feasible to make it work on android(publish) ?
If I have a idea should I code my game/app in a specific way for android(using love-android-sdl2) or just do it as I am used to ?
Or is that experimental iOS port that slime is working on a better bet? (more complete and so on.....?)
Edit: I am now having another problem, the game doesn't scale to the resolution of my phone(unless I specify in config-file), But shouldn'T it fo that? there are many resolution on android phones so shouldn't the game scale to the screen size ?
the iOS port is coming along, and should not change the way you code your game if you want to deploy it across all five operating systems (once the mobile API is finalized).
Many computers monitors use different screen sizes, too. Generally what you'd want to do is ask the OS what the current resolution is, and scale the game accordingly. I'm unsure if the love android API currently supports this, but it should at the very least be somewhere in SDL.