Lets Apply Computer Science!

General discussion about LÖVE, Lua, game development, puns, and unicorns.
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Lets Apply Computer Science!

Post by Ekamu »

Hi guys,
I'm doing a major in computer science and I've been learning some interesting stuff.

For example:
transitive gates - where you have (a,b) (b,c) which implies that a can go to c (a,c)
recursion - you have a program that runs itself within itself until it reaches some answer/logic to stop.

So I was thinking hey why not use some of this stuff and try make a simple game like 3D-MonsterMaze.

I could use transitive gates for the logic, so the computer knows if I am at a I can go to b, if I am at b I can go to a and to c e.t.c
and some recursion with Lua to run the program on itself to check where you are at every step and return possible conditions.

Anyway my point of making this thread was just to inspire some conversations about some of the neat stuff we can use in games from computer science (pretty much everything programming is computer science anyway but I mean the interesting stuff which is not commonly used or thought of)
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Re: Lets Apply Computer Science!

Post by MarekkPie »

A lot of the "interesting stuff that is not usually thought of" is often actually thought of:
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Re: Lets Apply Computer Science!

Post by slime »

MarekkPie wrote:Buffer overflow attacks can be used to do some rather interesting things inside a game;
Scroll down to "(s)elf-exploitation" here: http://www.gamasutra.com/view/feature/194772/ :)
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Re: Lets Apply Computer Science!

Post by MarekkPie »

slime wrote:
MarekkPie wrote:Buffer overflow attacks can be used to do some rather interesting things inside a game;
Scroll down to "(s)elf-exploitation" here: http://www.gamasutra.com/view/feature/194772/ :)
I remember hearing about that. And they say no one ever reads the EULA. The program certainly does!
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Re: Lets Apply Computer Science!

Post by Roland_Yonaba »

MarekkPie wrote: Jump Point Search is a shortest path improvement for uniform cost grid maps (I believe the Jumper library by Roland Yonaba for LOVE uses JPS)
Yes, indeed.
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