Transforming an Image

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Transforming an Image

Post by Biphe »

So I have a gui setup and it is not the width of my game window so I wanted to know using this image:
Could I tranform the gui boxes using love to fit my 512 by 512 game window?
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Re: Transforming an Image

Post by davisdude »

You would actually need to scale it to fit the window.
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Re: Transforming an Image

Post by micha »

If you scale it, the line width will increase, too. And you cannot have arbitrary height/width rations.

What you need is a tile-approach. In the spritesheet you have tiles for the four corners and tiles for the upper, lower, left and right boundary. Put the corners into the window corners and put multiple copies of the boundaries to the window boundaries. You need Quads and SpriteBatches for that.
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