Share a Shader!

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Re: Share a Shader!

Post by Ranguna259 »

Once you do please PM me, I'm thinking on combining that shader with a the bloom one to make some awesome effects ;)
(zero gravity physics world with a glowing circle moving around a leaving a motion blur effect, how cool is that :P )

Built this:

Code: Select all

		extern number intensity;
		extern number aspeed;
		vec4 effect( vec4 color, Image texture, vec2 texture_coords, vec2 screen_coords ) {
			vec2 speed = vec2(aspeed, 0.0);
			vec2 offset = intensity * speed;
			vec4 c = vec4(0.);
			number inc = 0.1;
			number weight = 0.;
			for (number i = 0.; i <= .3; i += inc)
				c += Texel(texture, texture_coords + i * offset).rgba;
				weight += 1.;
			c /= weight;
			return c;
(aspeed should be the speed of the object and I usually set intensity to .1)
Out of the source from this link, it's not really what I wanted but it'll do for now the thing is it's only made for horizontal movement, can someone make this work for vertiacal and diagonal movement ? I still don't undestand a single thing of GLSL :?
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Re: Share a Shader!

Post by Ranguna259 »

How awesome is this gif:

EDIT: Does anyone have a polar to cartesian and cartesian to polar shader ?
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Re: Share a Shader!

Post by xXxMoNkEyMaNxXx »

Cartesian to polar is super easy just use r,theta=sqrt(x^2+y^2),atan2(y,x) for cartesian to polar and use x,y=r*cos(theta),r*sin(theta) for polar to cartesian!
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Re: Share a Shader!

Post by chezrom »


I have modifed my shader that display voronoi's diagram of moving point, working now with löve 0.9.0

It can now display voronoi using three different distances :
  • the euclidian distance (the standard one)
  • the "manhattan distance" (addition of absolute value of x difference and y difference)
  • the "Chebyshev distance" (max of absolute value of x difference and y difference)
You can see a defintion about this distance here : ... dean_space

Keys :
  • a point follow the mouse
  • Mouse Left to change colors
  • Mouse right to change movement of other points
  • ESC to quit
  • TAB to change the distance used for computing the diagram
  • any other key to toggle on/off the drawing of the point
EDIT : Thank you Roland, I correct for 'Chebyshev'
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Last edited by chezrom on Tue Feb 04, 2014 10:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Share a Shader!

Post by Roland_Yonaba »

It's Chebyshev. Tchebytchev is the French spelling.
Your demo is awesome.
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Re: Share a Shader!

Post by CaptainMaelstrom »

qwook wrote:Left 4 Dead style glow
I tried to implement your shader qwook, the glow effect looks really cool in your picture. Unfortunately, I'm not doing something right, as my pig doesn't glow like I think it should:
pigtest.png (41.22 KiB) Viewed 6161 times
I've attached my .love, I'd appreciate it if you could point out my mistake or explain what's going on in the pixel shader code a bit.
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Re: Share a Shader!

Post by chezrom »

CaptainMaelstrom wrote:I tried to implement your shader qwook, the glow effect looks really cool in your picture. Unfortunately, I'm not doing something right, as my pig doesn't glow like I think it should:
In fact the code is a code for bluring not for glowing.
What I undestand of glowing, you want your picture surrounded by an halo.
I draw this halo on transparent zone of the image (with alpha=0).
In this case, try the attached love file.
Of course, the glowing effect is truncated by the border of your image.
The glowing color is the color you have setted by
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Re: Share a Shader!

Post by CaptainMaelstrom »

Thanks chezrom.

I figured something out but your implementation is more flexible/accurate.
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Re: Share a Shader!

Post by Palmar »

I am totally confused of Love2D Shader GLSL structure. Could sombody post color inverse shader? Thanks in advance.
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Re: Share a Shader!

Post by Palmar »

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