Fixed Cupid for 0.9.0

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Fixed Cupid for 0.9.0

Post by pib »

Hey everybody, I was trying to use Cupid with 0.9.0 and realized that it was super-broken with the new version. Lots of API changes and a change of how the love table is instantiated in boot.lua (I think that's the cause of the "window" problem).

Anyway, I spent some time last night and this morning fixing it up, and I have it working on 0.9.0 now!

My fork:

Things that are specifically working so far:
  • Not crashing at startup :D
  • Console dropping down, typing commands, catching print output
  • Watcher/Reloading
  • Physics debug overlay
  • Temporal control (using "[" and "]" to speed up and slow down time)
So, I think that's everything, actually.

Thanks basicer for writing this library and now that I've got it working with 0.9.0 I'm looking forward to using it during the global game jam today and tomorrow :D
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Re: Fixed Cupid for 0.9.0

Post by Snuux »

Thanks, very usefull!)
My library for easy saving Slib! Try this! Now you can encrypt your save!
- Drop of light LD#30
(Sorry for my english. I learn it myself, and I don't have enough experience)
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