I've just installed Löve 0.9.0 on my computer (Ubuntu 13.10, 86_64x, Nvidia GTX 560 Ti), but I can't run it, it give me this error :
Code: Select all
zulli4n@zulli4n-pc:~$ love
Could not set video mode: No OpenGL support in video driver
Error: [string "boot.lua"]:322: Could not set window mode
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'assert'
[string "boot.lua"]:322: in function <[string "boot.lua"]:233>
[C]: in function 'xpcall'
Could not set video mode: No OpenGL support in video driver
Since I can't find anything about it after few hours of search, I now come to you and ask for your help. =(
I don't really know what kind of informations I can give...
-I've installed the libsdl2 we can find here (the "Raring" series, "Saucy" isn't in the list...).
-I also tried to compile the Löve sources myself, same result.
-I've tried differents Nvidia drivers : nvidia-319, nvidia-319-update, and Nouveau (the open-source one).
I don't really know what else I can try. If you guys have any idea...Thanks.